My House Is Quiet: Thankful for the small things…

It is still very early, the sun is peaking it’s way through my sunroom windows. As I was finishing up my quiet time with the Lord this morning I began to thank him for all the very small things in my life.  A warm quilt to cuddle up in, a sweet sleeping puppy curled up next to me, an nice hot cup of coffee and my quiet house surrounding me.

This morning there are many who are waking up with no home, no warmth, no electricity. It will be many weeks, months even before their lives will return to normal. I feel certain that the small comfort of a warm blanket and a hot cup of coffee would be a welcome addition to someone who has lost there home to the storm.

The women in my small group often talk about all the brokenness in the world. The recent storm has swept a multitude of brokenness upon so many people. On a much smaller scale we all run into brokenness in almost everyone we meet. It’s a broken world and we all have to figure out how to live in it. Just this past Wednesday when I was a church for supper a woman approached me, “Are you part of the Prayer Ministry?” she asked.

I said “Yes, I’m part of the Prayer Shawl Ministry….” She began to explain to me about how she had picked up a prayer shawl for a friend. Sadly the friend did not live for very long after receiving the shawl. She also explained to me that the daughter of this woman did not want the shawl, so she was not sure what to do with it. I expressed my condolences to her for the loss of her friend and received the shawl back into our supply. I assured her that it would find a new home with someone else.

As I retuned the shawl to our closet I had a moments sadness for a daughter that had just lost her mother, for a situation that remained unknown and for the deep sadness I felt in the knowledge that for whatever reason she, the daughter, did not want something that had brought comfort and God’s love into the last few moments of her moms life.

I prayed for this unknown daughter this morning. God knows this situation and has it well in hand. His attention to all the details in our lives is beyond my comprehension.

For today I am thankful for the relationships I have in my life. I am thankful for the very small things like warm blankets, sleeping puppies and a nice hot cup of coffee.

I pray for those who are putting their lives back together after the storm and I pray for an unknown daughter.





Sweet Tea said…
Small, simple things we take for granted and things that bring such comfort - a good reminder to appreciate these things.
The Bug said…
I'm thankful for you for the reminder that God has things well in hand :)
Nikki (Sarah) said…
I woke up thinking the same thing Robin...and I'm joining you praying for those whose lives have been totally devestated

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