Project 365 ~ Week 43: Hug’s, Marmalade and Homecoming

Well I can’t claim success this week as far as capturing a picture every day, however the shots I did get I think are representative of my week.

No pictures on Sunday, October 16 or Monday, October 17….bummer but I guess nothing photo worthy happen……

Tuesday, October 18

Grandpa’s new screensaver for sure!


No pictures on Wednesday, October 19, Thursday, October 20 or Friday or October 21. And no i was not abducted by aliens….I think I was just not into the picture taking this week.

I actually did take some pictures on Friday, but I am saving them for a future post about my adventure with Orange Marmalade. The jury is still out on the success of this adventure. The recipe takes several days to fully set. It will be an additional few day before I can do any tasting to determine if all the hard work was worth the effort. So until then it’s the wonderful waiting game. I hate waiting. I want to try it now!

I was a bit skeptical that I had followed the recipe correctly. It appeared to be very watery and not setting very well on Friday evening. I was very disappointed with the end results.

Saturday, October 22

However on Saturday morning I was rewarded to find that it had began the process and was on it’s way to setting up. Isn’t it a great color!


Saturday afternoon brought about Homecoming Part II. The DD bestie came over and the preparations for the evening dance began at about 2:00 P.M.

They required sufficient time to

Do the nails……………………………..Select the appropriate music for the application of hair care and beauty products….


The hot rollers were applied…………………….make-up

IMG_8091 IMG_8096

the comb out…………………………..dinner


The girls had to alter there plan a bit. Due to the earlier sunset we had to head to the park very early to have enough light for the necessary pre-homecoming photo shot….but it was worth it!


They had fun on the playground……


Dad was even a sport and held their purses and wrap’s for them during the photo shoot…..he is doing his best personal assistant imitation……




Well Homecoming was a HUGE success and the girls had a great time. The hubs and i dropped the girls off at the dance and then seized the moment and went out to dinner….and I even had a gift card for a free steak from Outback Steaks to boot! it was a good evening!

Y’all head over to Sara’s for more 365 fun and link up!





Skoots1moM said…
beautiful marmalade, yes i love the color!
what a sweet assistant ;)
Amy said…
the girls look beautiful! love the picture of your husband playing assistant.
The marmalade looks yummy!!! Good for you taking on that project!

Love the girls and all the Homecoming fun. They look great! I especially like that purple dress. But then again, I'm partial to purple...
The Bug said…
Your husband is such a good sport - that wrap is a good look for him :)

And the girls were (are) gorgeous - glad they had a good time!
Emily said…
They look so beautiful! And the orange marmalade looks great-- actually makes me want to try some!
riTa Koch said…
B.e.a.U.tiful girls and lovely assistant!
Love orange marmalade!!! My mouth is watering.

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