Project 365 ~ Week 41: Spiders, Hugs, Soup, more Bread, a few Blooms and Homecoming

Hey There! I hope y’all all had a good week. I missed a few pictures again this week, one day the planets will align and I will get all seven days.

Monday, October 3

There are defiantly advantages to having a good zoom on the camera. This colorful fellow had built a lovely web in the front bed. I had gone out to check the mail and passed him as I was coming back into the house.


Let’s hope she never gets to old to crawl up into her daddies lap…..just break my hear with love y’all!


French Onion Soup for dinner…it was really good!


Tuesday, October 4

OK OK OK, so maybe I’m a bit obsessed with the bread making. But I did have some new pans that were begging to be used. I think I have the proportions correct on increasing the recipe. I did however over do it a bit on the oven temp at the very beginning. This batch is a bit on the crusty side. The inside texture is very good but the outer crust is a bit on the tough side. Note to self: next time decrees the oven temp by a few degrees and see if that helps!


Friday, October 7

Confession, I purchased some Encore Azaleas two season ago. I planted three and one did not make it. I have been less than impressed with their performance. They are still about the same size as they were when I bought them. They have failed to produce the promised blooms three times (once in spring, once in summer and then again in the fall) however there are a few sporadic blossoms on the two reaming bushes in my back yard.


Saturday, October 8

Hot rollers….check, tweezers…check, mascara….check, eye shadow…check, nail polish….check, shoes….check, dress…check, earrings….check, headed over to the bestie’s house for all the pre homecoming prep….check!


The before.

I told the girls that I would let Bestie’s mom do the after pictures. They are, after all, going to be doing the homecoming thing all over again in a few weeks when my DD’s homecoming dance rolls around. The deal is that since there are no cut boys that are smart enough to snap these two gorgeous things up they have decided to be each other dates. Again the topic of conversation: Boy’s are just plane stupid! Who wouldn't want to take these two to a dance???????


With the DD being out the hubs and I had a date night. We went to a local pasta place that I had been driving by for a long time. It’s one of those situations where you say “We should really go there and try that new place….” and then you never do! It was awesome. No pictures though. I think I may start looking for a small point and shot to keep in my purse. My Cannon is so big and heavy to haul around all the time so no pictures and the camera on my phone is pathetic. The food was awesome and the prices were reasonable. We had a great time!

Well that’s it for me this week!

For more P365 y’all head over to Sara’s and link up!




semperfi said…
Nice spider picture. Hope he stays out of your house. Spiders & I are NOT friends.
The Bug said…
Well your bread LOOKS really good :) Yep, your DD is a cutie...

We tried a new Chinese place this past week, but we weren't very impressed with it.

I love carrying my little Canon around - it's perfect for sticking in my purse. It doesn't do close up or far away very well, but for getting a picture in a restaurant (or more often in my car) it's great.
Skoots1moM said…
such pretty bread you made...
the soup looks awesome, too!
Bread looked so yummy. Spider....not so much. Loved the flower.
sara said…
ok, I had to scroll through that spider picture real fast....yuck!!!!

french onion soup is my favorite!!!

I am not very good at baking bread, I wish you lived closer to give me some pointers!!
riTa Koch said…
Your bread is definitely scrumptious looking.
The girls are definitely good looking, but great idea to just go together and not worry about the guys, just have fun.
Skoots1moM said…
go read '2nd cup' today...she brought it! and no mention of 'hair', hahahahah!
Terri Tiffany said…
Your daughter is gorgeous! I hope they had fun:) I always enjoy your pictures--your food makes me want to cook more--am struggling what to make for us tonight with only two it is hard!

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