Thankful Thursday ~ My new favorite sentences….

She speaks….in full sentences…….

A very close friend is of on vacation. The DD has been employed to feed the cat and water the plants while they are away so I had driven her over after dinner. When we got home we had a sweet little surprise waiting for us. The DS and my future daughter-in law and Muffinhead had come for a visit!

The DS was involved in a vacuum cleaner repair in the driveway so Muffinhead and the DD and me headed to the backyard for a popsicle break!

I was busy taking pictures and had set my popsicle down on the table on top of the wrapper and my sweet chatterbox in a very clear little voice was issuing instructions!

“Eat your popsicle Grandma!”


With our popsicles finished the misquotes chased us inside. It wasn’t to long before she was clomping around in my flip flops.

“What are you doing with my shoes!”

“No! My shoes Grandma!”



It just breaks my heart with love y’all!





ADOR-ABLE!! Just the sweeetest little face, and I love her in those shoes of yours!
The Bug said…
She thinks she's the stuff - & you know what? She's right!

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