Project 365 ~ Week 35

Hey there y’all!

Sunday, August 21

More knitting………if you remember last Sunday, well this Sunday was not very different. I think I have just reached my boredom threshold with the homespun and the crocheting. I am still keeping a crochet project going but I am really trying to focus on learning how to knit. I guess what I mean is really learning how to knit beyond just the basic knit and purl stitches. One day I hope to be able to describe knitting as easy. However thus far it seems to be taxing my mental capacity to the very limits. This stitch is a bit on the complicated side, complicated for me anyway. The problem I have is retention. As soon as I flip my piece to the other side I immediately forget what row I have just completed. Did I just do three or four? You may be laughing but in the split second it takes me to turn the piece that little tid bit of information just flies out of my head. If the television is going or if the DD walks in with a question well that just muddies the waters even more. Having the uninterrupted solitude in the church parlor while I wait for the DD during her choir practice had given me the time I need to focus. I also devised some simple cheats to help me lessen the strain on the old brain. 


Notice the row counter at the end of the needle…….it may be a bit simplistic but it worked like a charm.


One new stitch mastered about a thousand left to learn….well maybe not!

Monday, August 22

Last week as I was passing the deli case at the Kroger when the chicken salad with red grapes called to me….I had to stop and order up a container to take home with me. It was so good, a little skimpy on the red grapes, which are one of my favorites. It was also wonderful to just pull out the container and not have to worry or fuss about what I was going to eat for lunch for a day or two. Well it was a bit pricey…about $6.00 per pound. During my next trip to the store I snagged a rotisserie chicken and a bag of red grapes and decide to make my own chicken salad. Needless to say I made sure there were plenty of red grapes throughout. I even tossed in a handful of dried cranberries. It was super good. I have been enjoying it all week long!


Tuesday, August 23

Y’all I was SOOOOOOOO excited. It was a first for me and for Kim. I have been visiting Kim’s blog Just A Southern Girl for a long time. We quickly discovered that we have a local hometown connection. When we found out that she was going to be on furlough stateside we began making plans to have an actual face to face meeting.


Y’all it was a wonderful meeting. We met at a local Italian restaurant and had dinner and just talked and talked. It was so neat to finally sit across the table with one of my blogging buddies! The only down side of the whole evening was that due to some family issues Skoots1mom had been called out of town and was not able to join us. She was totally bummed about missing this opportunity.


I gave her a buzz on her cell and Kim and Skoots spent a few minutes on the phone. Kim’s next furlough will be in two years and we have already made the decision that we will begin planning for our next blogging reunion! To Much Fun Y’all!

Wednesday, August 24

Muffinhead and Family came for supper at church. I have shared with y’all how she has turned into a little chatterbox. Well with the hubs schedule he has been out of town a lot lately. The last couple of times that Muffinhead has dropped by he has been gone. It took her a few minutes to warm up to him at dinner on Wednesday. That made for a slightly sad Grandpa:(

After dinner she was very eager to get down out of the high char and go exploring. I had the pleasure of sitting next to her all during dinner, deciding that Grandpa needed a bit of one on one time with his grandbaby I handed her off to him for an after dinner stroll around the family center and down the hall. They got a few steps away and she turned and raised her little arm in the air, made a quick little gesture with her sweet little hand and said “Come on Grandma!” Who could refuse that! Grandma, Grandpa and Muffinhead, all three hand in hand went on an after dinner stroll. It was just too sweet!


Thursday, August 25

This is a fair representation of how most of my spare time this week has been spent. Once I had given the TTWMK (That The World May Know) curriculum the once over, I found that the leaders guide they provided was a bit inadequate for my needs. I had to rework the time frame they suggested to better fit our extended time and I also had to do a bit of re-formatting. The leaders guide is about the size of a large index card. It fits on the inside of the DVD case so it is very very, very, very small. This means that the typeface is very extra, super tee-niney small as well. Knowing myself they way I know myself, I quickly realized that this simply would NOT do. Being well acquainted with my need to make notes in the margins, highlight passages as well as my inability to be able to sum thing up with a minimum of words, well I decided it would be necessary to make my own leaders guide. I started scanning in the text on Monday and had that all finished up by midweek. The next step was to get it imported into publisher.

I am thanking Jesus for the scanning & design/layout software on my computer. Now that I have figured out all the kinks in the software and re-familiarize myself with Publisher this re-design is going a lot more quickly than last time.


I had to re-work a leaders guide for all four session. I felt like I was back in the old days when I worked at a design studio! I am almost done. Thankfully I have plenty of time. My class does not start until September 14!

Friday, August 26

If you read last weeks P365 then you will recall I did a bit of canning. You will also recall that one of my batches of experimental jelly I did did not set up. After consulting with Sara as well as re-reading the instructions on how to re-work a batch of jelly that did not set up I decided to give it one more shot! Needless to say I think Caroline Ingalls would not be passing out any blue ribbons for this batch of less than successful Love Apple (Tomato) Jelly.


Looks good but…..successful…not so much!


I have decided for my own peace of mind I am letting go the need to succeed and just chocking this failed batch up to the “mysteries of life” and moving on to other things……

Saturday, August 27

It was a super lazy day. I had done the majority of my chores on Friday, I had gotten all my yard work done, the house was relatively tidy, so it was a wonderfully carefree Saturday. I watched a few movies in the recliner, I cooked a wonderful dinner (which I forgot to take any pictures of: Pan Seared Pork Medallions with Orzo Pasta with sautéed Red Peppers and Onions and steamed Broccoli.. the pasta and sautéed veggies were really good. It reminded me of risotto without all the work!) and sent a few hours working on some additional knitting stitches.


Well that was my week!

It was a GREAT week, I learned some new things, had a face to face with a wonderful sister in Christ and had dinner with Muffinhead!

Nothing but plus's in my book!



For more P365 y’all head over to Sara’s and link up!


The Bug said…
Oh I'm jealous! I'm going to have to work in a face-to-face meeting with Kim too. She's just too close to my neck of the woods not to.

That chicken salad looks FABULOUS! MMM. I'm going to have to do something similar for next week's lunches. I can just keep it & some bread at work & I'll be good for a few days.
sara said…
we both had chicken salad pictures...mine had red grapes in it too!!! yum!

and I am just green with envy that you got to meet and visit with Kim. I tried to get on her furlough schedule but she just wasn't coming this far!
Yummy food pics. I love chicken salad with grapes.
semperfi said…
The first time I had chicken salad with red grapes was at Arby's, plus their's had apples & pecans in it too. I hate grapes & didn't know they were in it but I found out can eat grapes them in mayo mixed with chicken, apples & pecans. So now when I make chicken salad, I make it like Arby's & get my fruit for the day. I not a fruit fan, mostly only like banans & apples funless it is cooked like cherry or blueberry pie/cobbler jelly etc or fruit juices like grape or the new V8 juices. I know I'm weird, been this way all my life
Thanks for sharing.
riTa Koch said…
Oh, so much to comment!
I totally relate to the knitting issues--forgetting where I was, etc. I am working on a patterned sock that I have ripped out more times than I can remember.
Your lacy stitches are beautiful.
Oh, it was so good to see Kim in your first meeting. And I would say to The Bug, if you plan a meeting, please include me!
I love tomato jelly. Yours looks so good.
I am amazed at all your design expertise.
And about 'our' procedure the last couple weeks, I was surprised to hear you must repeat it every THREE years.
Have another marvelous week!
Kim said…
I'm SOOO glad we were able to get together! We got home last night about 11 pm and I am STILL doing laundry. lol Ten days worth of clothes (although I did do two small loads while we were gone). It was so fun to be able to see so many people on this trip!

I am impressed with your knitting prowess! I am slower than molasses in a cold day in January when it comes to knitting, although I love the IDEA of knitting :) I'll just enjoy it vicariously through you!

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