Project 365 ~ Week 28: A trial run on the Empty Nest

With the DD gone all week on a mission trip in Costa Rica the hubs and I found ourselves with just the two of us for company all week long. It was a unique glimpse into what is to come for us in a few years. I will say that it was rather enjoyable to have our evenings to ourselves and no demand to make a run ore emergency hair care products or wardrobe malfunction catastrophes.

Sunday, July 3

I handed this to the hubs on Sunday afternoon and said “I don't know about you but I think this looks like a bunny snack, don’t you?”


Monday, July 4

We finally got a glimpse of momma bunny. She made her appearance on Monday afternoon, which we both thought was a bit out of the ordinary. She hopped around the back yard for almost two hours. She explored the veggie patch, sniffed at the tomatoes, ran in and out of the corn and generally had a wonderful time romping all over the back yard.



Tuesday, July 5

I finished another prayer shawl. I used one of the new stitches I leaned last week. I can truthfully say that I do love my homespun, however it does limit what you can do in the intricate stitch department. The character of the yarn just doesn't not lend itself to much definition. It is very soft and the colores are wonderful but this new stitch gets a bit lost in all they fluff. It still turned out nicely though!



Wednesday, July 6

With the hubs and I being on vacation in May I was not able to present my Disciple 1 class with their completion certificates and pins. After a bit of emailing back and forth we were able to set up a date that worked for almost all of us. We met at the church for a lovely lunch. I brought a huge bowl of salad greens and every one else brought their favorite topping and dressings.


I’d call this an awesome salad bar, and almost all of it came fresh from all or our collective gardens. It was really nice to reconnect with those lovely ladies.


Thursday, July 7

I normally try to keep the crochet projects down to one at a time. However sometimes it just works out that I have more than one project going. This time it has gotten a bit out of control and I have three different projects going all at the same time. Two crochet and one knit, I like to keep a knitting project around just so I wound forget how to do it.


Friday,July 8

Skoots1mom and I got a whole basket of cucumbers out of the garden on Friday afternoon. I intended to send about half of them home with her but being the old woman that I am I forgot and she walked out and left them behind as well. The joys of getting older……and you are…….


Saturday, July 9

The dinner table was overflowing with bounty from the garden tonight. I pulled up the remaining green beans to make room for a second planting and as per usual I gleaned a huge pile of beans that were hiding underneath all the leaves. It was enough for a big ol mess of beans. I also sliced up several of the freshly picked cucumbers and minced up a red pepper, also from the garden an marinated them in Italian salad dressing all afternoon. The BBQ chicken and fresh pineapple were also wonderful but I will have to say I get a certain sense of accomplishment and a fulfillment when I am able to place something on the table that I have picked from the garden.


Then I topped off our week alone with a celebratory peach cobbler.


It was really good!

Well by the time this hits my blog the DD will be safely at home and life around the house will be aback to normal. I anticipate having the usual emergency wal mart run for heat protecting spray, mascara, eye shadow or cute hair bands, and to be perfectly honest we both missed her. It warms a wonderful pace in my heart to see her going off to serve in the mission field but what mother doesn't sleep a bit better when their babies are back safe in their beds?

Well that’s it for me this week, and WOW I just realized I did not miss one day this week. Oh my stars…..

For more 365 fun y’all head over to Sara’s and link up!




sara said…
oh, you have made me miss my garden with this post!!! There is nothing like fresh green beans from the garden!!!

So glad DD is back safe and sound. Hopefully we will get to hear a little about her trip? yes?!
semperfi said…
bunny pics were great. thanks for sharing
Mary said…
CH & I are getting a little taste of the empty nest this week with YS away at band camp. MS will be here, but will be in & out with class & work.
I'd say mama bunny did have a nice little snack out of the tomato!
OK, now I want peach cobbler :).

I love your prayer shawls - both the color and the construction. I'm pretty non-handy in that area so I get my kicks from people like you that are kind enough to post photos of your work!
The Bug said…
I've really enjoyed your bunny posts :)

Loved your meal - the chicken sounds great. And that peach cobbler - yum!

Can't wait to hear how the mission trip went.
Amy said…
oh, I wish I could grow a garden. I have a brown thumb, rather than green. :-/
that BBQ chicken dinner looks delicious.
looks like a nice relaxing week!
Rebecca Jo said…
look at that cobbler... I just gained a pound!!!

I love your spread with the salad - YUMMY!!!

Ahh - good to know momma bunny is getting good garden nutrition! :)

Your stash looks like mine - I have shelves of projects! Now, if only I could finish them all! :) The shawl is gorgeous!
Kim said…
Okay I just ate and shouldn't be hungry but that cobbler looks SO GOOD! :)
Lovely prayer shawl!
All the yummy garden produce makes me just a little jealous. Although I am enjoying what we can buy in the stores right now.
Glad you and hubby enjoyed your week alone :)
Lori said…
looks like a good week. love the bunny pictures. glad you found out who was sharing your harvest
RaD said…
Congrats on getting a picture every day! :)

I'll bet your daughter was full of stories once she got back.

So, are you keeping the bunny around or finding a way to chase her off?

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