Thankful Thursday

If you read my previous post then you will understand why today I am thankful for the peace and quiet in my house. The hubs is out of town on business and yesterday I drove the DD out to her Aunt’s house to spend a few day with her cousins and her grandmother. I am breathing in the solitude, making pepper jelly and catching up on the movies on the DVR that no one want to watch but me.

My fan is directed right at me so I’m not hot, at least not right now anyway.

Since the hubs and DD are both out of the house don’t have to cook anything, clean anything or wash anything beyond my own hands.

I am thankful for my new favorite vegetable juice, it’s super yummy! If you have not tried the new Motts vegetable juice I highly recommend it!

I am thankful for the small things like yarn and a crochet hook that give me the ability to occupy my thought on to productive things rather than dwell on those thing I can do nothing about!

I am thankful that later tonight I get to meet with the most wonderful group of ladies on the planet. My accountability group meets on Thursday evenings and it is just the highlight of me week. It grounds me, it gives me an outlet. We encourage, strengthen, and hold each other up and we hold each other accountable. I need that.

Thank You for Thursday’s

Thank You for some down time!

Thank You for time away from my precious eye rolling teenage daughter whom I love more than life but was on my last nerve the other day!

I am thankful that I got to see my son and his family last week at campmeeting!

As Scarlet always says…”Tomorrow is another day!” and aren't we glad that if fell on a Thursday!




Anonymous said…
I really enjoyed peeking around your blog. Everything you said in your post for thankful thursday are things I can identify with.
We have had terrible tragedy in our life and I’m still struggeling with God. I feel like Jacob—only I’ve wrestled for 8 years with him.

We lost our 16 year old son, JOshua in 2003. He would be 24 this February.
Just need to listen and watch other women build their faith.

The Bug said…
Sounds like a heavenly day to me. I need to find me an accountability group or a girls group or something. Hmmm.

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