A thought to ponder…

Yesterday during worship our pastor shared these words:
“to say that God loves us without condition is not to say that God approves of every behavior”
God loves us all unconditionally, that is the meaning of agape.
When agape love is practiced it overlooks the faults and it expect nothing in return.

God is the perfecter of agape love, He is our example of how we are to love others. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all practice agape love all the time, but as humans we tend to fall into the practice of expecting something in return.
As I listened to my pastor speak a word to us I thought a lot about how God loves me, unconditionally. However, it was the last part of the statement that gave me cause for concern.
God may love me unconditionally but He does not always approve of my behavior.
When I look at the course of my day I have to confess that there are many thing that occupy my time that do not glorify God. 
That’s a huge one for me. I find that I do so much better in my day, get so much more done when I just turn it off.
The internet (Blogging, Facebook,E-Mail and etc…)
I love y’all and all but there are times when I just need to close up the ol’ laptop and spend time with God and in His Word.
Here is another big one, my thought life. Let’s just say that there are more times than I can count that my thoughts will run amuck unchecked into places that they need not go.
I was reading in my bible study this week in 2 Corinthians:
2CO 10:3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

So here I am living in the world but thankfully as a Christian I have God’s agape love, God’s endless strength, compassion, mercy to use to wage war against the things that consume my time, my thoughts and influence my behavior.
I have been pondering my pastors words since yesterday morning.
“to say that God loves us without condition is not to say that God approves of every behavior”
This week my focus will be to take captive every thought and make them obedient to Christ.
Daily, more likely minute by minute, asking the question, “Is this behavior or pursuits meet the approval of my Heavenly Father?”
Verse four gives us a big advantage, I am so very thankful that I have access to the divine power that can demolish any stronghold in my life. I only have to be obedient and recognize what needs to be changed.
So what works for you?
How do you prioritize your time and your choices?
Well that just a few of my thought to start the week with!
Y’all have a great week!


Skoots1moM said…
i've been pondering that same thing...I was rewriting the pastor's prayer and the behavioral keeps jumping in there.
That same thought is what drove me to post the sidebar picture of WIJIT...where is Jesus in it?
He SHOULD ALWAYS be our focus...my human side sure gets in the way.

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