A Garden Story

With the chill of winter upon us and since this post has been wandering around in my draft folder for what seems like forever I decide to shed a little summer sunshine into the dreary dull drums of late January.
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water…du du…du du…dudududu
More pictures of my garden.
However when I look at where this all started I notice that March is only a few shot weeks away and then it all starts again.
My how times flies when you having fun.
So if you are so inclined to take this trip down my garden memory lane well here it is in all its’ semi-glory!!

March 21, 2009
Click here to read the amazing, spellbinding, wildly entertaining post about building my raised vegetable bed!

June 6, 2009
The seedling and seeds go in.
June 24, 2009
18 days post planting

June 27, 2009
19 days post planting

June 30,2009
22 days post planting

July 3, 2009
25 days post planting
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009
28 days post planting.
Look how much it has grown in just a few days!


July 16, 2009

36 days post planting.


I got two crook neck squash from the garden before the bugs took over. Sadly the plant never really got established very well as the stem got bent over and dried out. Next year I will skip the yellow squash as it is not a family favorite


These were the only two yellow squash I got out of my garden this year. Boo Hoo, not really!!!

August 1, 2009

I have now given up count how many days it is post planting…it is just too hot!

The summer heat, plus a weeks neglects while I was at campmeeting took there toll, and there were some nasty little bugs that set up house on my squash and zucchini.


It’s looking a bit brown and kind of puny!!!!

July 12, 2009

The squash and zucchini started to come in but the progress was very slow! My inexperience was showing and I was thankful that my family was not depending on the less than stellar bounty of my little garden.


My lone zucchini, the only one to survive!

July 24, 2009

A bountiful mornings harvest to be sure but the news is not all good…


I’m not sure I know why this happen???


Greg came to the rescue and explained to me why this happen. Un-even watering and possible insect damage, who know… well Greg did!

Bye, bye cucumbers!

August 8, 2009

I pulled the remaining green bean plants out as they had stopped producing. If memory serves the way you are supposed to plant green beans is to stagger the rows. Plant a row then wait a week and then plant another row. However since I had only room for one row…the regrets of having a small garden bed. But the mess a beans I got were super good and totally worth the wait! IMG_0011

I pulled up the yellow squash as well as the zucchini. they had been attacked very severely but some kind of nasty  bug and had stopped producing.


The cherry tomatoes are holding their own and I am hopeful that my regular tomatoes will make it as well a few lingering green peppers!


October 24, 2009,


It’s all over but the clearing away of the last remaining cherry tomatoes.


The more things change the more they stay the same. I am back where I started in March. My little raised  veggie garden is ready to spend the winter resting and I am ready to get started next spring.


All in all my first foray back into the world of backyard gardening after such a long absence has brought me such joy. I have a few jars of pepper jelly left and enough homemade pickle relish (sorry no post or picture) to last me until the next millennium in my pantry. Seriously, I am not sure what I am going to do with 5 jars of pickle relish, 5 jars, I don't know about you but we maybe go through 1 jar a year maybe. But I digress.

I have had so much fun documenting my success and my failures and sharing them with you all.




Joyce said…
This was so inspiring. I am hoping to start something small this year. The animals up here are a bit of a concern so I need to investigate that some more. If nothing else I'm at least going to have tomatoes on the deck!

I put the I won you won giveaway up today.
larkswing said…
What a pleasant walk down your memory garden lane! Inspiring! :)

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