Go figure..
In what I can only guess is an effort to steam line manufacturing cost this latest trend with my favorite place
Wal-Mart,could be hazardous for my health.
Let’s just hope that I don’t make my morning smoothie with the fabric softener and pour the soy milk into my washing machine!
Let’s just say that I have a love/hate relationship with this big box retailer.
I love the saving but I hate going there.
What’s up with this!!!!!
Lets hope someone in the know in management reads blogs!!!
Love Granny
Reminds me of the time I poured what I thought was honey into my tea only to find out it was honey-flavored bath gel in a little jar that looked just like the honey in my kitchen cupboard.
too close for comfort...be sure to put them VERY FAR AWAY from each other...VERY FAR AWAY!
I might even take a BIG red magic marker and PUT A BIG X on the fabric softener...
you know me these days, almost everything gets put in the fridge, even though I know it shouldn't go there.
Thanks for the WARNING!