Random Dozen #3
Join me over at 2nd Cup of Coffee for this weeks Random Dozen

1. Please share one middle school memory. It can be good, bad, ugly, funny. Pictures or words, I don't care, just share.
Just showing my age here!!! We did not have middle school. Back in the day we had elementary school from Kindergarten thru 8th in one school. Some of my memories include having to memorize “The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe, and no I don’t remember any of it now! Knee socks, polyester, Bobby Sherman, Donny Osmond, The Partridge Family, Lost In Space, drawing pictures of my wedding dress on notebook paper over and over and over again! My best friend lived down stairs in the apartment below us. Making chewing gum wrapper chains, mine was really really long…
2. What's your favorite Beatles song?
Can’t pick, love them all!!!!!
3. If I asked you to describe your most comfortable outfit, what would it be?
4. Would you rather host a party or be a guest?
Both, I enjoying getting in the kitchen and cooking up a storm. It’s my grandma coming out in me. She could whip up dinner for 20 at the last minutes and not break a sweat. I love menu planning for thanksgiving and Christmas and trying new recipes. Love having pot luck’s where everyone gathers and we all bring something and then just hang out and have a good time.
5. Do you think we will move completely from traditional books to digital ones, and if we do, are you OK with that?
I would love to have a Kindle, but I think they are very expensive. I think all text book should be in this format…having a DD with back issues I think having an electronic version on a hand held device is just the ticket. Not to mention the benefits to the environment less consumer waste and less use of paper & resources. However there is just something about having a book in your hands. I have several books that I re-read all the time. Having something tangible to hold in my hand and the feel of the pages well there is just something so special about that. Plus I will never ever give up my bible. It has to be in my hands and I have to be able hold it close, write in the margins and weep over it, pray with it and one day give it to my daughter.
So I think there is a definite benefit to this format but I would hate to see all printed book go away.
6. Do you learn best by reading, listening or experiencing?
Experiencing. I do best when I get in there and give it a go.
7. If you are (or when you were) single, what is the kiss of death for you concerning the opposite sex? (That is, what is one trait or behavior or habit or anything at all that immediately turns you off from considering that person a potential match for you?)
Here is the thing…the statement of “If I only knew then what I know now!” Well let’s just say that things would have been very different…and that’s all I can say about that!
8. Snacks. Salty or sweet?
Sweet every time.
9. Look around you in a four foot radius. What object is around you that you didn't realize was there or forgot was there? How long has it been there?
That’s a hard one. I am currently at the kitchen table. So most of the items with in a 4 foot radius are objects that I use on a daily basis. So to be perfectly honest…my kitchen floor is always in need of sweeping so does the days tracking in and out of foreign mater all over my kitchen floor count as an object? And NO! I don’t think I will share how often I sweep my kitchen floor!
10. What is your favorite Tom Cruise movie?
It’s a toss up…
“Show me the money” Jerry Maguire
“You can’t handle the truth” A Few Good Men
“I feel the need for SPEED!” Top Gun
11. You buy a bottle of shampoo and discover that you don't like what it does to your hair at all. What do you do with that full bottle?
I am far too practical and totally not into hair/makeup/accessories. I was thinking just last Sunday of what my life would be like if I never had to put make up on ever again. I would happily live the rest of my life without ever having to apply foundation or lipstick ever again. But I digress… the question about shampoo is in reality I would use the bottle up and then just not ever by that brand of shampoo again.
12. Your favorite Fall comfort food? (Last week it was beverage.)
A mug of warm spiced apple cider with a cinnamon stick, it just screams going to a fall festival and walking through a pumpkin patch!
Robin A.K.A the one who finally had time to do a Random Dozen Meme this week!
Yes! Bobby Sherman!! I cried like a baby, in the dark ness of my room... right???? Yes! I didn't think anyone else would remember Bobby. He was my only star heartthrob.
#3. P.J.'s takes it on this one. Read around. You'll see.
Great list.
I'll take a mug of that cider w/you anytime.
Heidi@2 Thinks to Share
Have you tried Pumpkin Pie Chai? It's delicious!