Another Prayer Shawl Finished and Grounds for Euthanasia…


I used Homespun for this one. I love working with this yarn. It is so very soft and given the texture and the bulkiness of this yarn it makes for quick work. I knocked this one out in about two weeks or so.

I love the colors, Homespun Windsor (the blue), Homespun Pacific (the pale pink and beige variegated) and white.

The colors worked so very beautifully together.


Her is a close up of the colors!


I had just finished off the last edge and folded up up and placed it aside to turn in on Wednesday. My sweet devil puppy decide to curl up on top of it for a small nap.

How very precious I thought.

Until I saw this!IMG_0005



But…God is good!

You see I was on my way out the door to my morning work out and had already instructed my sweet devil puppy to get into his crate BEFORE I spied the HOLE.

Had he not been safely behind bars already I am not sure what would have happen!



Marian Dean said…
Oh, so naughty puppy, even though I am sure he didn't mean to make a hole in it, you must have been very cross. Are you able to repair? Hope so.
I loved the soft colouring of this item, looks very comforting.
Love Granny
Thena said…
I love the colors. It's so hard for me to get in the mood to crochet during the summer. But I've got a couple of projects I really need to finish before Christmas.
Kim said…
Beautiful even with the hole :-) I can't knit or crochet but admire those who can. Is it possible to fix the hole?

I couldn't make anything in only two weeks. Did you have time for anything else?!
I love the colors...always enjoy your blog...

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