Here is a question for you!

How much time do you spend blogging?

How many blog’s do you follow?

Do you read every blog you follow every day?

Do you use your Google reader or Blogroll to follow a blog?

I just counted. The number of blog’s in my blog roll is 66 the number of blog’s in my Google reader is 26. All of the blog’s in my Google reader are in my blogroll. If I unfollow someone's blog from Google reader but still keep them in my blogroll is that rude? You know us southern girls, it’s all about  being polite!

With 66 blog in my blog roll I just can’t get to every one every day. I give my blog roll a once over in the morning and pick the post titles that jump out at me. If I have a boat load of time on my hands and have nothing else pressing I will from time to time try to make it down the entire list but that hardly ever happens.

Do y’all use your Google reader, because I just don’t. I find it so much easier to put a new blog I find in my blog roll and then track that blog from there.

How much time do you spend blogging?

Do you post every day?

Do you have a backlog of post’s in your draft folder waiting for a rainy day?

Do you post immediately after completion or do you schedule your post for the next day?

The answer is I spend way to much time on blogging, really way to much, but hey it is what it is! I just love it!Some weeks I post all the time and other weeks I can go the whole week without a post worthy thought! I also have a few post hanging out in my draft folder but the truth is I always forget they are there and they never get posted. What’s my name again????

Here is another question.

Do you ever have blog envy? Ya know all the blog’s out there with hundred’s of followers (I ran across on the other day with over 500 followers, I left immediatly it was just to overwhelming) and you wonder how’d that happen?

Is it a matter of time, is it a matter of compelling, humorous, thought provoking content or common interest that builds up your following? or does it simple not matter to you?

I am drawn to like minded blog’s. If you love Jesus, well I’ll show up and stay awhile. If your on the verge of menopause well I pull up a chair and weep and fan myself along with you. If you have been there and done that then I want to sit at your feet and glean from your wisdom. If I laugh until I cry well I be back for more! If I have an aaa haa moment well your in babe! That’s what attracts me to a blog!

So what does it for you? Why do you sign up to follow a blog?

Here is one more.

Do you respond to every comment left on a post?

Who has the time??? I do however respond to all first time visitors. Again it’s that southern thing. It simply would be too rude not to stop by and say thank you!

I will make a disclaimer here, since I’m all about being polite today. If I show up and thank you twice it is simply because I no longer have short term memory. You may have visited before but I am having a peri-menopausal moment and simply can’t remember!

Why did I come in here?


Inquiring minds while I still have one want to know what y’all think and what y’all do!




Terri Tiffany said…
So many questions! I will answer a few. I check my blogroll every few days and skim through it. I answer everyone post that comes to my email. And I blog about an hour or so a day. I post when I feel like it and use the off days to read.
Kim said…
A lot of stuff I've been thinking about. Especially as life seems to be speeding up as we come to the point where I'll shift from full-time Spanish study to part-time and get more involved in the ministry. [Which I feel totally un-ready for, btw!] I don't have time to read blogs daily like I used to, and I've gone from posting fairly regularly to sporadically -- again because of time issues. I love blogging but right now it can't be a priority. I really enjoy the friends I've made and hope to someday meet y'all [which is totally feasible with you and Skoots because our mission is headquartered in your hometown so we'll definitely be coming through there on furloughs]; some I feel like I've already met because you're so you on your blogs :-) For a while I obsessed with how many visitors, followers, etc. but realized God will send who He wants, when He wants, to my blog -- no more, no less. I like the idea of writing ahead and having some posts on hand, but I don't have the time to write much as it is.
I used to check each blog every day, but now with the side bar listing, it is so easy to just check for each blog that has an added post. That has saved me lots of time. And since all my special blogs don't post every day, thank goodness, reading through them is not a chore--however I don't have the long list that you mentioned.

I, too, think about the time I spend and am always considering how to cut down. I try to post on each blog I follow about once a week, however I read all the new posts. Sometimes, it just gets hard to think of what to say!!!
Heidi said…
"If your on the verge of menopause well I pull up a chair and weep and fan myself along with you. " Waahaaahaa!! (my first try on a MyADHDMe blog laugh)

You're funny McGee. I know what you're talking about. I want to follow more blogs, but I want to read every one I follow- every day and I want to comment on every one I read- usually. It takes a very long time. Waaay longer than what I can justify for computer time.

I also want to post every single day, but I can't seem to keep up the momentum. I get tired. Sometimes I have to stay up until 2 a.m. to get it all blogged and get the dishes done and my hubby's shirt ironed..

Boy. I think you've just given me my blog post subject for Friday.

Heidi@2 Thinks to Share
Skoots1moM said…
How much time do you spend blogging? a couple of days a week, most weeks

How many blog’s do you follow? 24 on my bloglist...54 on my dashboard

Do you read every blog you follow every day? nope, hop around to those whose titles catch my eye

Do you use your Google reader or Blogroll to follow a blog? blogroll

Do you have a backlog of posts in your draft folder waiting for a rainy day? nope

Do you post immediately after completion or do you schedule your post for the next day? both, it's all relative to what i have going on

What's my name again???? BS&K :)

Do you ever have blog envy? sometimes but then I have a talk with myself about what's more important

I'm not sure what draws people to follow me...I like to think that maybe sometimes my happenings in life might help someone else relate to me or a situation and see how and where God meets me (before, during or after).

Thought provoking, tender remembrances and humor all draw me in to someone's blog...and I LOVE pictures...that's how Marsha's Garden got me :)

Do you respond to every comment left on a post? nope, sometimes i have time and am compelled to follow up with someone, but not always

Why did I come in here? (cause you were tired of playing FARMVILLE on FB??!!! ha ha :)
Beverlydru said…
Hi Robin, Good to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by. I have been less consistent about both blogging and reading lately- lots going on. I use my Google Reader & I have more blogs in there than I've counted for some time, so no, I don't read them all consistently. I am really behind the times on my blogroll and followers. I do always do a reciprocal visit to first time commenters. I usually respond by a blog visit rather than an email. I post on average 3 times a week right now. Blessings to you!
Skoots1moM said…
too late to call...
my appt is @ 9am
i'll call u in the a.m
O Robin. You are such a southern sweetie. And I'm not from the south but I think I have southern guilt!

Yes, I always visit first time commenters and, of COURSE, people who sign up to follow. And I try to visit around at least a couple of times a week (especially to my commenters), sometimes more, but it's getting truly challenging. I know I miss out on important things but I can't keep up with everything! I try to focus on MY writing so that people have something worth reading but I know I fall down there, too.

I homeschool, teach a college/career Sunday School class, have elderly parents who need help, write for the 30 Day Throw Down blog, do research, and am TRYING LIKE ALL GET OUT to feed my family healthy food. I'm doing 16 hour days right now. And I STILL feel guilty! Okay, maybe I better go take my hormones and then take a nap! Thanks for asking. Aren'tcha GLAD?! lol
What is a blogroll? Is that like a eggroll?
God bless you,
Susan Anderson said…
Found your blog through Becky's, and I'm glad I did! Sounds like you are my kind of blogger, including what draws you to a blog and keeps you visiting.

I do read every blog I follow every day, and most of the people on my blog roll. I also try to comment pretty regularly. (We all need encouragement, right?)

I often do wonder what brings a blogger 100+ followers and usually chalk it up to a mixture of good writing, good luck, and good timing. (Except for Pioneer Woman, of course, and I do not find the number of followers she has surprising at all.)


PS. BTW, you seem to have a fair amount of followers yourself!

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