Hostage situation in progress

Under normal circumstances I am totally one to avoid ironing anything.

However, over the last two weeks I have found myself with a dilemma.

The trusty old iron, which in fact was a relatively “new” trusty old iron, bit the dust.

Now with you know who DD and you know what her recovery from major surgery. I haven’t had time to make the trip to the trusty Wal-Mart to replace said broken iron.

If I was a diligent, good homemaker I would heed the buzzer on the dryer and immediately make hast to place all said clothing on hangers so as not to be wrinkled.

However, who ever said that I was a good homemaker, not me.

This morning as I was kicking through the pile of worn jeans on the floor of my closet and searching for a shirt to wear in my closet I realized that alas I was going to have to go in search of a clean one.

Tragically I have been forced to endure another day of captivity due to a malfunctioning or poorly engendered electrical appliance. Its failure to work properly has now imprisoned me in my home yet again. You see I am too embarrassed to venture out into the light of day looking like I slept in my cloths.

I obviously am not too embarrassed to share the disgraceful state of my laundry pile with all of you.


Robin A.K.A embarrassed and being held hostage by my broken iron!


Skoots1moM said…
would it help to hang it in a steamy bathroom?
I hate to iron!! One of those things that I just totally hate! You could always of thrown it into the dryer with a damp rag for a few minutes....that's my trick!
Skoots1moM said…
oh, wrinkled-blouse one...
I like this picture of you
b/c it is the face I see when you are getting ready to say something sweet
or being silly :)
Heidi said…
Every morning I get up about 6:30 am and iron a shirt and a pair of pants for my husband to wear to work. I think it might show that I love him- that I am willing to do that for him. Why I don't iron 5 shirts and 5 pairs of pants and hang them in the closet ready for the week, so I can just sleep in- I'm not sure. I don't enjoy it. I guess it's just the love.
Kim said…
LOL You mean the wrinkled look isn't in this season? Shucks!

I'd rather clean the toilet than iron but I do a lot more ironing now that we don't have a dryer. (Or anywhere to put one.) But I ONLY iron what is ABSOLUTELY necessary. And my necessary is pretty laid back :-) That's one of the reasons I like cooler weather...sweaters hide a multitude of wrinkles!
Marian Dean said…
Order one off on-line???. I hate ironing and most stuff we have is non-iron. So I have a spare one lying about un-used if you care to pop in for a coffee and collect.

Love Granny
Becky said…
eek! You are wearing my shirt!
Merrie said…
LOL.... I understand... I have been know to throw cloths BACK into the dryer to reheat and hopefully get rid of some of the wrinkles. It works fairly well and then I can say that the seatbelt MUST have caused all those wrinkles...
But, I actually enjoy ironing when there is a good movie on and I can watch something. But, lately, I haven't had time.
This post had me laughing with you because, I am the same way. I have learned what Merrie stated in her comment - throw a rag, but dampened into the dryer with your clean clothes for about 5 to 10 minutes - gets all the wrinkles out.

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