Friday Fav Five #40

Joining in with Living to Tell the Story for Friday Fav Five today!!!!!

#5: I will start with something Sweet.

One of my favorite afternoon treats is a nice tall glass of ice coffee.

It gives me just the pick me up I need to get the necessary boost or the rest of the afternoon.

I recently picked this up at the grocery store...

and have been adding a few shots into my afternoon coffee. It is a wonderful chocolaty caramel-isious treat. It hits the spot in a big way

#4: Something Cheap
I love a bargain!!!! My heart leaps with joy when I see this!!!!

Anytime I can save a few pennies I am a happy camper

#3: Friendship

Yesterday I saw the foundations of a blossoming friendship. One of the DD friends from church came over for visit. I made myself as scares as I could as they played cards and munched on popcorn, laughed and chattered away! After a nice long visit, I looked at my DD and said “Now that’s what a friend looks like!”

#2: My Great Blogging Pals

This week for me was a nice return to the blogosphere. After nearly two weeks of busyness with the pre-surgery and post-surgery happenings, I was so totally wrapped up in the DD and all that taking care of her entailed.

This week I have had a bit more time to spend working on a few posts and visiting all my favorite blogs and even coming across a few new ones as well. I even won not one but two blog prizes. Whooo to the Hoooo for me.

Loved Sassy Granny this week with her always insight perspective on things, but especially loved this post as she writes about one of my favorite books in the Old Testament.

So all y’all give yourself big hand because you are all my favorites this week.

#1:God’s Word...
and "Streams in the Desert" and my journal and my favorite blue pen.

Here is what I read today from God’s Word!

Isaiah 7:9
…If you do not stand firm in your faith,
You will not stand at all.

and in today’s devotional from streams it asks some very interesting questions:

“Can’t the same great wonders be done today that were done many years ago?

Where is the God of Elijah?

He is waiting for today’s Elijah to call on him.

The greatest Old or New Testament saints who ever lived were on a level that is quite within our reach. The same spiritual force that was available to them, and energy that enabled them to become spiritual heroes, are available to us. If we exhibit the same faith, hope and love they exhibited, we will achieve miracles as great as theirs.”

Isaiah 7:11

ISA 7:11 "Ask the LORD your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights."

This gives me pause to think.

Am I today's Elijah???? or maybe is it you?????

What do y'all think????

Well that's my Friday Fav Five for this week, actually I think this is my first ever Friday Fav Five.



Skoots1moM said…
gr8 post
:) F3!
enjoyed last night...i don't know about u but i 4got to pay dortothy for my latte'...ooops!
Susanne said…
Robin, so glad you joined in! I didn't notice you on the link. Would you like to link on so that others can pop by?

Yummy for the coffee stuff. It sounds delish. You reminded me I've got iced coffee stuff around here somewhere. I'm going to have to make a glass today!

Loved your list. Everything from the friendships to God's Word are truly great blessings!
Heidi said…
Thanks for the blessing of God's word.
Iced coffee does sound wonderful. Now I probably will have to go out and get some.

Double and triple thanks for answering the questions I posted on my Follow entry. You actually won the steak knives for that, but you'd have to go back and give another read to the comments to know that.
Heidi said…
Oh, I forgot. I've been wanting to ask you. On your blogroll, my blog title is listed as Think For Yourself. It doesn't bother me or anything. I just wasn't sure why. I clicked on that to see who it was and was surprised to find out it was me! Ha!

Did I have that title up once upon a time and then change it? Yes. I think that may be it.
Pamela said…
This is my first week at Fave Five as well. I live in Rhode Island, where the state drink is coffee milk, a variety of iced coffee - yummy!

I enjoyed reading your list.
Jerralea said…

That chocolate caramel creamer sounds delish!

Hope your DD recovers quickly. It's great she had a friend come by to visit. It makes a mother's heart feel better to know that her child has good friends.

I also like Streams in the Desert Devotional. I get mine online in my email every day.

Thanks for commenting on my blog. Your foot spa sounds like something I would really enjoy if it kept the water warm!

God bless you and have a great weekend.
Kathleen said…
The scripture you quote from Isaiah has long been a favorite of mine. Standing by faith is such a powerful position to take!

The other Isaiah scripture I hang onto is: "The noble man makes noble plans, and by noble deeds he stands." 32:8

Thank you, too, for the mention. :)

Hugs & prayers,
4 Life said…
Iced coffee....that brings me lovely memories of my grandmother. She used to always drink iced, milky coffee - WAY before it was vogue and Starbuck's owners probably were in diapers! I've thought of blogging on her soon.

Oh, and bargains? THEY ROCK!!! & make me leap with *JOY*
Kim said…
Love iced coffee, too, especially with some yummy creamer! Great list. Have a great week!
Anonymous said…
I have never been a coffee drinker, but have decided I do like iced coffee! I bet I would love the herseys stuff too! Yummy!
Thanks for visiting and leaving a sweet comment. I am so grateful and have enjoyed my boomerang visit. You have a lovely blog - inspirational and funny.
Oh yeah, no drink regardless of how dressed up will replace my afternoon glass of sweet tea. Alas, I was momentarily considering the iced coffee.

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