Commander in Chief

In the days prior to the election there was a sense of urgency in the air. There was also a great cloud of expectancy that hovered over everything. For what seemed like forever things had been building up to election day. Now I will readily admit that what I had been praying for did not come to completion, or at least in my limited human vision of what I wanted to happen, well lets just say that as I watched all the revelry on election eve I had a sense of disbelief and trepidation of the days to come.

I began to think about the things that I know to be true. I began to ponder on what I know will never change and my “dis-ease” began to lessen.

There are so many things in life that are beyond our control, the next four years will no doubt bring many changes.

With those changes there are things that I can do.

As we were explain the outcome of the election to my daughter, my husband and I impressed upon her that now it is even more important than ever to double our efforts of praying for our nation, and as difficult as it may be, I must begin to pray for this current administration.

I was discussing with friend last night about how there are so many people who live their entire lives without the slightest acknowledgement of God sovereignty. I also have to recognize that I am just a small part in God’s vast and complex yet perfect universe. I do not know why the prayers of the faithful were not granted, it sounds so presumptuous to speculate what God has in store for us over the next four years.

Again I have to go back to what I know for sure, who is ultimatly in control. I must continue to recognize that my ultimate commander in chief reigns on a Heavenly Thrown. I must continue to place my faith on the one who laid the foundations of the earth and placed the stars in the sky and knows them all by name.

God’s word is living and active, sharper than any double edged sword and if we will but place our faith in His instruction and His example we can endure, overcome, persevere and even flourish during any situation.

What gives me hope are the words that the Lord placed before me on the very day of the election.

The prophet Jeremiah was pleading with the people of Judah to turn from there idol worship and false Gods. He saw the consequence of their past actions and he was urging them to place their faith in the one true God.

Listen to his words……..

JER 17:7-8 "But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
whose confidence is in him.
He will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit."

These words are as much for us as they were for the faithful listeners so long ago.

The faithful can plant their roots deep into the sustaining stream of strength and hope of The Almighty.

Join me my friends in prayer.

We must all pray for the current administration.

I have to be completely honest right now and share that I am praying for my bad attitude to dissipate and asking God for a real willingness to genuinely and with a sincere heart begin to pray for those who are newly elected.

We must pray for our nation every day, pray without ceasing, pray continually, pray, pray, pray and pray some more.

2CH 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.



Nel said…
I totally agree with you. My husband and I were discussing it last night. He was pretty upset about the outcome. I was too, but I remembered who was really in control. We need to remember He knew who was going to win the election, for He does know everything. We do need to be in constant prayer for our administration and our leaders. I do not believe God wants us to stand in the sidelines and talk bad about who is elected. For that is not what He would do.
Kathleen said…
For so many of us it has been a bitter pill. My hubby has been snarling for days, though beginning to find his lighter side finally. Me ... I'm wondering what the Lord is up to. He will weave all of this into the fabric of His amazing plan, His tapestry. It could be a wild ride. Then again, with Him one never worries about seat belts.

Be blessed and at peace. You have kindred souls wrestling alongside you!

Terri Tiffany said…
I loved this post--so true. We are to pray for our president and country every day whether we like all the details or not! Loved the scripture:)
Technonana said…
Thanks for this insightful Post!!! We don't know what God is doing... but we must trust in Him.. and Pray and yes, say Praise the God who created the heavens and the earth that no matter Who is in the White House... God is still on His Throne!!! He alone is sovereign!! He is omnipotent, the Alpha and Omega!!!
And pray for OUR nation... that she will turn back to Him!!

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