Project 365 ~ Week 7

I am trying to work up this post and keep an open line of prayerful communication at the same time. As parents we all face those times when the natural course of time brings the inevitable rites of passage. These things need to happen, yet as parents we would choose for them to be postponed indefinitely.

We have a new driver in the family and today is the first day she will be driving herself home from church. I am sure that this is not a new concept to many of you. It happens to all of us. However I will openly confess that this mothers heart is a bit on the anxious side. I know she is a good driver, yet my desire is to wrap her and the car in a heavenly and very thick layer of bubble wrap of protection.

So I am moving on to other distractions until she is safely home and out from behind the wheel, at least for today anyway.

Prayer for safe travels would be greatly appreciated….

Sunday, February 10

My son and his family were over Sunday night. He required a bit of help from his dad for some repairs to their vehicle. Well since Muffinhead had to be back at our house bright and early the next morning we decide that it would be easier and logical for her to just spend the night. Thankfully I had a spare set of PJ’s on hand…so we were good to go!

She likes to take a bath in our big garden tub when she is here so she had a really nice soak with her toy hippo…


Note To Self: Next time do not let her take the plastic animals in the tub. They are hollow and have a small hole in them, so now they are all full of water….no telling how long it will take for the water to evaporate out from inside:(

Wednesday, February 13

More Muffinhead surprises. I think hands down beside her Barbie's, her next favorite toys are all of her small plastic animals. She never tires of playing with them. After she left on Wednesday I went to scatter a few sprinkles of salt over something and this is what I found in my salt container… how do you take you lamb and your cat?

Heavily salted I think!


Thursday, February 14

This past Tuesday was Skoots1mom’s birthday. We decide that since it was Valentines Day and half of our husbands were called out of town that we would take this opportunity to have Birthday/Valentines Day celebrations. We met for dinner at a local pasta place and had a wonderful time. We all had a bite of this sweet treat after dinner. Crepe’s filled with Hazelnut and fresh banana's It was delicious! 


Friday, February 15

It was a happy kiln day at the pottery studio.

 Two Small Brown Bowls


Blue and Brown Bowls - Set of 2

We have decided to work up some more inventory for a spring sale. I have a list of things i am fairly confident that I can reproduce. Over the next few weeks we will be working diligently to get enough completed to have another sale….

Saturday. February 16

Winter in the south, some days it’s super cold and then the next it shorts sleeves and flip flops. It confuses the flora and fauna so much. There a daffodils and jonquils popping up all over and all the redbuds are in full bloom. The cherry tree in our backyard is even beginning to bloom. The sad thing is that there is always a cold spurt that usually gives everything a good singe before the really true spring weather sets in….


Well that was my week.

That was a good 30 minute distraction while I typed up this post. Now all I have to do is make it another two hours until the Girlchild get on the road heading home…..


For more P365 y’all head over to Amy’s and link up to see everyone's pictures.




Amy said…
mmmm. you had me at hazelnut. those crepes look delicious!!!
i laughed at the picture of muffinheads animals in your salt container. too cute.
Skoots1moM said…
i'm ready for more pasta...prayers for JuniorGirl
The Bug said…
Oh that Muffinhead - such a mess :)

Those crepes look fabulous! Happy birthday to Skootsmom!

Lovely pottery - I'm so impressed with your skill.

Hopefully the girlchild is home safe & sound by now...
Skoots1moM said…
put your plastic animals in a plastic bag with a cup or two of rice for a few should dry up the water.
Love the pottery. It was gorgeous. I am so impressed with your eye for color. The crepes looked yummmo. I could almost smell them....loved the animals in the salt. Too precious.

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