Project 365 ~ Week 6: It’s a Miracle…I have all seven days!

This rarely happens, I actually have a picture for each day this week. Don’t hold your breath because it will probably not happen again for quite some time!

Sunday. February 3

Something happened during the Youth Worship that I thought would never ever happen… the Girlchild did a violin performance with three other members of her youth group. They did great y’all! I am hoping that this will be the first of many performances!


Monday, February 4

Muffinhead always has a unique take on how to watch television. She would pop her head out of the tub and then pop back down for a few seconds. She had a great time, however the dog was a bit confused!



Tuesday, February 5

Tuesday the cupboards were so bare that Muffinhead and I had to go out for lunch. We went to Chick-Fil-A. I tried their new Chicken Tortilla soup, it was very good!


After lunch Muffinhead had a great time in the play place. It was like bowling with pre-schooler’s. They would ALL climb up and then ALL come down the slide at the same time ending up in a heap of bodies at the end!


It was an eventful day as the Girlchild got her long awaited Drivers License!


Wednesday, February 6

I finished another prayer shawl. I will share that of all the ones I have done this color combination is not one of my favorites. This is a very simple knitted shawl and easy to come together. The yarn is the Hobby Lobby’s version of Homespun. I like the yarn, just not the color combo. It was a self striping yarn. Kind of ho hum in my opinion, but I am sure it will find the right home!


Thursday, February 7

Restrain is not one of Muffinhead strong suits. One of her jobs that she has elected to do on the mornings she is at my house is feed the dog. After she feeds him, Buster gets an after breakfast treat. Well if one chew toy is good then six is even better. She does this every morning that she feeds him. We then have to have a lengthy conversation as she picks up all the chew toys and puts them back in the bag that he really only needs one! One day I hope that she will actually remember this lesson….


Friday, February 8

Skoots1mom came to try her hand on the potters wheel. She totally reamed me out for posting her picture on facebook. She was not happy with the photograph. Don't get me on my soapbox about how we as women are conditioned to think we have to look a certain way due to the expectations that society places on us, unrealistic expectation if you ask me…but then I think I just went where I said I wasn't going to go. In any event this is her first successful pot, she can’t complain with the face, it’s her girl and if you look at pictures of Skoots when she was younger this is exactly how she looked back then…….


Saturday, February 9

We had a full house on Saturday at the pottery studio. This is a mother daughter session on how to throw a pot. I have tried to get my girl over there but she has no interest in learning something new. I think it might mess up her nails…but I still offer from time to time. One day she may take me up on it!


This is Skoot’s back at the wheel cleaning up her little pot!


Me finishing up on a carved kitchen crock!


That was my week! Y’all head over to Momma Fran’s and link up for more P365.

Blessings for a great week in pictures y’all!



Amy said…
Good job getting pics everyday! I love the kitchen croc you're working on in the last photo.
Loved the shot of you finishing up the crock. You looke so intense. Congrats on all seven days worth of pictures....for the first time in three years...i missed two whole days! I could not believe it.
The Bug said…
The Girlchild is so pretty - but watch out Georgia! I love that kitchen crock too - very nice.

And I also love your sermonette AND the way you solved the problem with Skoot's face - ha!
Skoots1moM said…
a comment does not a reaming make...
great pics this week :)

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