Project 365 ~ Week 1

Happy New year Y’all!

Monday, December 31

I was still in recovery mode. That nasty tummy bug was still hanging on. I was past all the unpleasant symptoms but was still not feeling 100%. I spent the day snuggled up under my blanket and gently sipping Gingerale!


Tuesday, January 1

My family gathered at my house for an early dinner on New Years Day. My three favorite girls, Muffinhead was a bit squirmy but I have to take when I can get’em! Left is my girl, the middle is Muffinhead and on the right is Neicegirl!


Wednesday, January 2

The only casualty of Christmas…Mufffinhead strikes again!


As you can guess I was grieving over this family heirloom (NOT) given that I spent a whopping $1.29. I have applied a liberal amount of super glue and we will see if it survives in the attic heat until next year!


Thursday, January 3

I am in major reshuffling mode here. I am moving things aground and reorganizing. I am trying to better utilize some of the storage space I have available to me. I have a small closet in the guest room that I have now moved all my tablecloths and placemats and napkins to. It’s a bit Martha Stewartish, I am sure she would have used padded wooden hangers with acid free tissue paper between all her freshly pressed linen napkins but my little plastic baby hangers do the trick just fine. Now I can see all my table cloths and not have to pull down a box off a very awkward and high shelf every time I want one!


Saturday, January 5

I have the best husband y’all. Several weeks ago I was in search of a box. I looked all over the house with no luck. It was one of those situations that happens, you know you have a box somewhere, you remember packing it up, but can you remember what you did with it.

At the time the answer was a big fat NO!

Muffinhead was getting a bit bored with the current reading selection, along with Grandma as well. I knew I had a large box of all the kids olds books. I purposefully packed them up to save for just such an occasion.

Well on Saturday afternoon the Hub’s got back in the attic and went searching for the box….and he found it!

I LOVE that man of mine!


Next week I continue my reshuffling of stuff. I purchased three new shelving units to put up in the bonus room and I am going to be working on moving some of my lesser used serving pieces up there to free up some of my shelf space. I am super excited about this. I am a simple girl and new shelved just make me happy. Also I think I may have the Hubs talked into a very simple kitchen panty addition that will HUGELY impact my storage in there as well. It just make my little bitty heart sing with the organizational spirit y’all!


Well that’s it for my week! Y’all head over to Momma Fran and link up! It’s a new year y’all!





Amy said…
So glad you're better! Way to go with the organization! We spent a few days doing that, too. I guess it's a new years thing.
Yay to reshuffling! I spent my break cleaning one section of the apartment at a time. I feel so accomplished :).

Glad you've gotten over the bug!
The Bug said…
Ooh I love the table linen organization idea! I shared it with my dad - his wife was complaining about this very issue over the holidays.

Glad you're feeling better - & that you have new books to read to Muffinhead!
Glad you are feeling better. Loved the photos and stories that went with them. You are so organized. Impressive!
semperfi said…
Glad you are getting better. I need to organize my closet & clean out stuff, not sure when. Have a great week
riTa Koch said…
Great storage idea.
Good pics.
Lovely girls!
Take care.

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