Wednesday Hodgepodge

I think I am getting the hang of WH,

1.  Share your traditions surrounding the Christmas stocking.

Honestly around our house we really don’t have any hard and fast rules surrounding Christmas stockings. However they are usually retrieved from the mantle last after all the gifts are opened. Typically the customary stocking contents are usually a few personal items appropriate for either the female or male (nail polish, hair accessories or shaving paraphernalia you know all that kind of stuff) there may be a few Starbucks cards tucked in for good measure or maybe an iTunes card or some other gift card. I usually always top off each stocking with a little something sweet, a favorite candy or some chocolate….

2.  How many hours of sleep do you average at night?  Is it enough?

If I am on an even keel hormonally speaking then I usually get about 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Most nights I am in bed by 10:30 to 11:00, I used to be a bit of a night owl, however now that I am also a bit older I find that my days of reading into the night or watching a favorite movie until the wee hours are a thing of the past! My internal alarm clock, namely the urge to pee, hoists me out of bed about 5:30 or 6:00. Unfortunately I have struggled with chronic headaches for a very long time. One of the tid bits of advice I have read and been advised is to have a regimen at bed time. Going to bed at the same time and getting up at the same time. What that has to do with headaches is beyond me. What I will say is that if I crawl back in bed after my potty run and fall back asleep then most of the time I will wake up with a headache…..go figure. So I choose being an early riser without a headache. Plus if I am honest I enjoy my morning time. It gives me the time to have my quiet time with the Lord, time to have my coffee and let the morning unfold.

3.  If you had to give up one thing for the remainder of this year what would it be?

I am not very good at maintaining a disciplined or regiment lifestyle. I struggle to remember to take my vitamins every day, which I haven't done in a while…..However committing to NOT doing something is a bit easier. I gave up Farmville and all FB games one year for Lent and that was more manageable. It was a bit easier to NOT do one thing as apposed to trying to remember to doing something everyday. But I’m stalling, what would I give up, what do I NEED to give up? Carbs, Social Networking, carbs, television, carbs…OK if I HAD to pick just one thing to give up it would be the television. But the kicker would be if I had to disconnect the DVR and all the preprogrammed shows…

4.  The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (or Wills and Kate as I like to call them) have announced they're expecting a baby. Do you follow news of the Royals?

Well I am very happy for the Royal couple, however I am not going to be throwing a baby shower themed parties to celebrate the pending royal birth, or following every move the couple make. I am a bit of a News hound in general and that does lend itself to knowing all the details because Will and Kate make for good news fodder. My heart goes out to her. I suffered from all day morning sickness with my second child. I wasn’t heaving up my cookies all day but in general I felt really awful for about the first four months. I can  not even imagine how how awful she must be feeling.

5.  For me,  the sound of childhood is…playtime! I remember the raucous clamoring and constant noisy sounds that drifted up from the playroom at our old house, or the chatter from the sand box, or the splashing from the next door neighbors pool or the wiz and whoosh as the bicycles raced by the house. The boychild would appear from time to time in search of something that was a critical ingredient for the fort they were building in the woods, the girlchild was clomping around in my old high heels and jingling in pop beads and bracelets.

Now I listen attentively as Muffinhead plays with her Barbie's, tea set and stuffed animals. Those are sweet sound too….

6.  Fruit cake-yay or boo? What's your favorite dessert made with fruit?

Fruit cake…that would be a BIG no! It just is not a fav. I love chocolate but if I am out to dinner and they have a fancy fruity desert on the menu then it’s more than likely getting ordered. I love a good fruity desert…….Key Lime Pie, Banana Pudding, Apple Pie, how about an Angel Food Cake Trifle with fresh strawberries and other fresh fruit and whipped cream, or Lemon Tart, or Peach Cobbler or or or or…..

7. What is one thing you want to accomplish before 2012 comes to an end?

I think I’m good! I have one short time projects that needs to get underway. I have a plan to re-decorate my master bedroom. I have had the fabric for years. Now all I have to do is get started. I know I can not get the entire project finished by the end of the year, but I do need to make a few decisions about what I am going to do and actually make a plan. THAT is the hardest part for me. In a perfect world with unlimited funds I would just hire someone to make all the hard choices for and and then do all the sewing…..sewing and me…NOT SO MUCH!

I understand the mechanics of making a duvet cover and dust ruffle but I want to go get a pattern at the fabric store so I can have a hard copy in hand, I need a little in print reinforcement before I get under way…..Hobby Lobby here I come. I may actually do that TODAY!!!!!

Edit: It’s now about 9:00 PM and I am bout to hit the post button and I never made it to Hobby Lobby. I did get some Christmas shopping done and a grocery run so the day was not a total los.

8.  This is always a challenge for me, to come up with a random thought….right now they are talking about Syria on the news, no I don’t think I want to talked about the Middle East, so what is on my mind at this precise moment. Grilled Cheese sandwiches. We had the tried true Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese for dinner last night. However I was able to use the homemade bread I had on hand. If I do say so myself….it was really good. I had a loaf of sourdough, a loaf of whole wheat honey and a loaf of my newly formulate recipe which I am thinking of calling Five Fruits Bread. Now you wouldn't think that a bread with dried cranberries, dried apricots, raisins and dried cherries would be good used for grilled cheese…..but oh my stars it was delish!!!!!!!!!! Given up my carbs….not when there are grilled cheese sandwiches made with homemade bread running through my mind!


Well that’s it for my for this week. For more WH y’all head over and link up at Joyce’s blog!





Anonymous said…
My boyfriend took me to a Hobby Lobby store once and loved it there haha. Hope you have a stressfree holiday season
Happy Holidays to you....I LOVE Hobby Lobby.
April said…
To me, there's nothing better than tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich on a cold, blustery day. Problem's been 70 degrees here lately!
Mary said…
Grilled cheese & tomato soup is MS' absolute fav!
Tomato soup and grilled cheese snadwiches are on my list. Hubby actually bought a new grill for himself and he can make 4 sandwiches at the same time.
The Bug said…
Mmm - I would love one of those grilled cheese sandwiches on your fruit bread. Why it might be like a monte cristo!

BTW - I left an award for you on my blog...
J.Day said…
I got home from work to find that my mom had fixed her massively delicious chicken strips and fries for dinner. I was in Heaven. Such a shame that I got full. lol
Becky said…
What a fun post! So much to ponder... but LOL at your internal alarm clock. :p
Joyce said…
Sometimes if I go back to sleep like that I feel almost 'hungover'. I am an early riser and enjoy the peace and quiet before the day rolls in. I am loving my quiet time in front of the Christmas tree in December.

Grilled cheese and tomato soup is a favorite here too. My daughter tried Panera's this week and said it was good.

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