Project 365 ~ Week 52 : It was a rough week y’all, at least the last few day of it anyway!!!

Well I am very late to the P365 party this week, with a very good excuse! I am just now feeling human after a nasty bout of the stomach flu. It hit me on Saturday morning and I was down for the count all day Saturday and Sunday. I have managed to have a piece of toast and a shower and I am about to feel marginally human again. I am not 100% but I am on the mend. Is there anything worse that a stomach virus, I am not sure what but it was a nasty one y'all.!

Well the first part of the week was of course full of wonderful Christmas fun…

Monday, December 24

The girlchild got it in her head that she wanted to make this cake that we had made a few years ago for Christmas, you can click here to read about our first Chocolate Cake Extravaganza. When she mentioned that she wanted to have THAT particular cake for Christmas dinner I expressed my unwillingness to put forth such an monumental baking effort. I was just NOT up to it. I told here that if she wanted it then she needed to be in charge of baking it. She had to make a list and then she had to be completely in charge of baking and assembling the entire cake from start to finish,

The prep work actually began on Sunday but I did not get a picture of her making her gnosh….


Tuesday, December 25

Muffinhead was the perfect picture of Christmas happiness. the Mermaid doll babies were overflowing and she had a wonderful time.


Later that evening it was just the three of us for a very small and quiet dinner. I broke out my grandmothers dishes and we actually had dinner in the dinning room. It was a bit of a strange experience but one that I am sure we will do many more times. It was nice to sit down and have a meal together and start some new traditions. Now that I have a proper dinning room table I hope to use it more often along with grandmas' dishes.


She did good y’all! The cake turned out fabulous!


Wednesday, December 26

Well the Hub’s came thought again this year. My food process or bit the dust several years ago so I have been with out one for a while. Well no more for this girl.


I am looking forward to hummus, pesto and pie crust galore in the very near future!

I did break it in and tried out a recipe they include in their recipe book.

Challah Bread! It was really good and a snap to toss together in the food processor. I predict many more of these in my future.


Thursday, December 27

It was a cold and dreary day and all I did all day long was cuddled up in my blanket and read. I am peppering for the release if the next installment of my favorite author. The next book is due to be out next month so I am rereading the last few books to get ready or the release of the next novel. I am sure excited about it.


Friday, December 28

Friday morning was a repeat of Christmas Morning breakfast. Shrimp and Grits, Sausage Ball, Maple Citrus Salad and Oatmeal Banana Muffins. It was good the second time around too!


Saturday, December 29

I woke up and my normal time to make my potty run and as I was easing back into bed I had a small notion that I really did not feel to well. It hit with a vengeance on Saturday morning and I was out of commission for two days. I was able to have a small piece of toast on Sunday afternoon but other that a shower and a few bites of toast I have done nothing but drink ginger ale and breath through feeling yucky!


Lastly I want to say a big thank you to Sara for hosting us for the last four years. I for one will miss her presence here each week. You don't expect to get to know folks as well as you do just with a few snapshots but it’s sort of feels like a weekly coffee date with old friends!

So for the last time y’all head over to Sara’s and link if you haven't already. I know I am really lat this week!

Blessings for a new year y’all!



riTa Koch said…
Beautiful table, amazing cake, perfect loaf of bread--Christmas excitement! Too bad the week did not end on the same note :-(
sara said…
That cake is gorgeous!!!

I would love the recipe for the Challah bread I have always wanted to try it.

so glad you are feeling better. I have heard of so many people hit with flu or stomach virus this year!!
Kim said…
So sorry to hear you had a stomach bug :( Hope you're completely well now!

That cake looks amazing! Tell DD she did a great job!

The photo of your breakfast made my mouth water :)

Happy New Year!!!
Anonymous said…
Morning Robin and Happy New Year. I have enjoyed reading your posts this a.m. I hope you are feeling 100% now. Your daughter's cake looks delicious!
The Bug said…
You think YOU'RE late - I'm just now getting around to read everyone's posts!

Glad you're feeling some better. It does look like you had a lovely holiday. That cake looks fabulous & so does the bread. And that Muffinhead - too cute :)

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