Project 365 ~ Week 43

Sunday, October 21

A new sermon series started this week. We are all encouraged to wear these bracelets. Confession time: I hate having something tight around my wrist. In theory I know these are supposed to be a reminder of God’s devotion to me and my devotion to him, however in reality it makes my wrist sweat and it is very annoying because it fits so tightly on my wrist. I am not sure what the solution is but right now the bracelet is sitting on my coffee table.


Monday, October 22

Another confession: This project has been sitting in my knitting basket for so long I can’t even remember when I started it. I finally forced myself to finish it. I have been so focused on other things (pottery) that I have had little time, or desire, to devote to crocheting or knitting. I have been trying to spend a few minuets each evening as we are sitting watching television to working my Prayer Shawl projects.


I do love the addition of this little silver cross. I attached it to one of the tassels. It is not really noticeable on fist glance but I think it will be a sweet little surprise to someone when they find it nestled on the tassel.


Tuesday, October 23

Now that the weather is a bit cooler I decided it was time to crank up the espresso machine and have an afternoon latte. It was good. I am out of practice so this one in not as foamy as I like it!


No pictures on Wednesday, October 24,

I was busy at the studio working on more clay so no pictures on Thursday, October 25

Friday, October 26

The Girlchild has been complaining of late of having trouble seeing the board in school as well as road signs while driving, no a good thing when you are behind the wheel of a moving vehicle. So it was off to get the eyes checked. As suspected she has a slight problem with long distance so she's now sporting these cute new glasses.

We stopped on the way home from picking them up and had a Chick-Fil-A picnic outside. It was a great evening to sit outside and enjoy the perfect weather.


After we picked up her new specks she also need a few other supplies for a school project. Poster board and a few art supplies. Well I was right there in the art supply isle when I found this uncontrollable force compel me down the isle to the crayon section. In reality Muffinhead really doesn't not need any more crayons, I have a HUGE container of them. This post if full on confessions this week: I just wanted them. We were running out of paper though so it kind of equals out a bit I think, well maybe not….


Saturday, October 27

This is my only finished piece this week to show y’all. I started out making two of these piecework boxes and one survived. I love the way the glaze turned out on this one!


Well that is my week y’all. For more P365 y’all head over to Sara’s and link up!

I know I said I was going to try and get some fall color this week. Well there just has not been that much fall color until the past few days. I am hopefully this week I can get a few good shots. Keep your fingers crossed.




I love the pics of your knitting. As a knitter of about a year now, they give me great ideas and ideas for learning different things to incorporate in future projects.
Kim said…
Love the new prayer shawl! Also the pottery. You've been very productive!

I'm the same way with crayons... or pencils, papers and just about anything you might find in the school supply section :)

Love the girlchild's new glasses -- very cute!
Mary said…
The cross on the prayer shawl is a very nice, sweet touch. The girlchild's specs look marvelous!
riTa Koch said…
Great little box--the carving, the colors, the glaze.
Lovely shawl, cross special touch.
Cool new specs, Girlchild looks so smart!
I love love love the knitted piece and the addition of the cross is amazing. Your pottery is awesome! Looks like you had a wonderful week.
Kathleen said…
I've never learned to knit or crochet. My mother did the latter, but I was always too busy to sit for more than 2 minutes to watch her.

Methinks you're going to have plenty of Fall photo ops. I need to do likewise.
The Bug said…
I love the shawl and the box - so lovely! I feel the same way about those bracelets. Maybe you could cut it & attach some hemp or something to make it bigger.
Amy said…
Great pictures this week!
I love the little cross on the prayer shawl; it's a great touch.
Girlchilds glasses are super cute!
I'm with you on those rubber bracelets; I've never liked the way they feel on me, and our churn has used them for a couple of events. I have yet to wear one in support of said event, and I'm a pastors wife!! Oh, the shame. ;-)
Sweet Tea said…
Hi Robin - so glad you stopped by my blog which gives me the opportunity to find you and FOLLOW along! Love the pretty gal with the new glasses AND "May we never get so old that we don't love the smell, the touch, the feel - of brand new crayons"!!

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