Four and Five

It happens very unexpectedly.

I was cleaning out an old bible case and I come across this…

Devin 1993 

Every mom has them, those precious photos that have been tucked away in the pages of your bible, memories that you want to keep close to you as you pray or just a sweet face that you want to hold close to your heart.

These pictures had been long hidden, tucked away in that old bible case for a very very,very,very long time.

Skoots1mom and I were enjoying an ice coffee after our workout this morning. I pulled these photograph out to show her. We sat and looked at the sweet faces of my babies who are now 20 and 14.

Y’all my children are no longer babies.

This precious face, he was four years old. I remember this day. He was enjoying himself at a birthday party of one of his friends from church.

Y’all just look at those curls and that sweet smile!

My son commented to me some time ago that he had read my blog from time to time. Well if you are reading this one my sweetness, when I think about being a mom this is the face I see in my head.

Your sweet face, your bright blue eyes and those curls. That’s what I see!

I loved you then and I love you now!

Not far behind the picture above I found this one.

She would have been five years old. I have this image in my head of her playing in the fountain just outside of Ariel's Grotto.

We patiently waited, in five year old time it was forever, to have this picture made. Logan & Little Mermaide

For me it was just yesterday!

Motherhood, it brings you great joy and breaks your heart all at the same time!


Robin A.K.A Kicking and Screaming all the way down Memory Lane!

And don’t forget my giveaway!!!

Leave me a comment this post today or on this post or click on the button below to find out more about the giveaway!!

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Skoots1moM said…
so did you run up and down your street while holding it over your heading, shouting that you had finally completed this 'never-ending' project, that can now be called 'ended'?
I'm proud of you for 'sticking' it out and getting it done...for the amount of struggle involved, it will INDEED be a blessing to whoever receives it...and it will have a powerfully filled past of prayer attached to it!

Kathleen said…
Wow. That's quite a work of art, if not a labor of love! It makes me think of my mother, who always had a crocheting project underway. I sure wish I had sat long enough to learn how she did it.
Oma aka Meme said…
it is beautiful and take in account that we had a spring and summer mixed in with those beautiful colors- you did a wonder and God bless you as this shawl will indeed be a blessings and may become a sweet memory for some one-
hugs from Meme
Marian Dean said…
Well that shawl certainly is a massive achievement, and you should be so proud of what a fantastic job you have completed. I hope whoever receives it will cherish it and use it feeling the love in every stitch.
Love Granny
Heidi said…
That is gorgeous and you're going to give it away never to see it again. Wow. That is a work of love on both accounts.

I'm glad to see it took someone else a long time to complete a project, too. That makes me feel a little better about my four and one half year bathroom wall painting pathetic project.

I love cotton, BTW.

God bless you today.
Nel said…
This is beautiful. Whoever receives this will be truly blessed. Wonderful job!
OK, that creation is absolutely beautiful. Oh, that I could do that. And the close-up of the yarn really showed what you were talking about. These are beautiful colors.
Skoots1moM said…
love those pictures...
they make me say, OOOOOhhhhhhhhh, how sweet!
i'm so thankful god gave us memories...
i have to work harder these days to get memories with my kiddo...she wants to be with everyone else.
Robin - that's the kind of thing I was remeniscing about this weekend. Couldn't wait to get home and hug my "babies" but when I walked in they were these huge teenagers! lol
Beverlydru said…
Oh! I gasped at the love and sweetness in these photos. Our hearts are forever moms. I know exactly what you are describing.
P.S.I would love to read the book and pass it on. : )

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