Change is a good thing…right???

I have a love hate relationship with the concept of change. I think if you are honest with yourself you will agree that a general rule we like things to stay the same.

I like change in some things.

I love the change of seasons (except for maybe winter) and I love changing things around in my house from time to time. I enjoy a new recipe every now and again from the same old same old dinner fair.

These changes seem to bring with them a refreshing perspective from what had become tired and everyday.

I even like to think of myself as a forward thinker, someone who is not stuck in a specific patterns of behavior.

To change things up a bit I put turnips in my pot roast the other night.

I had never fixed them before and hey ya just never know. (for future reference we will not be adding turnips to the pot roast again, not a good thing in my opinion) anyway I took a leap of faith with my small bag of turnips and now I know that I am not a huge fan of this root vegetable.

I have a point really I do, and it’s not about turnips.

There are some changes happening at my house of worship. For the past few weeks we have all been in the anticipatory stage awaiting the opening of our new wing. It has been under construction for what seems like forever.

Well yesterday was the open house.

The whole building was buzzing with activity. There were lots of changes not just in the new wing but lots of changes throughout the entire building.

There was a new information center in the Gathering Area as well as renovation down one of the main hallways.

It just felt different to me. Not only is the physical landscape of the facility changing but we will be changing our worship schedule as well.


As I stood in the gathering area looking at this new information desk I found that I’m not as flexible as I think that I am.

I had this internal dialog with myself.

Self I said “Where is the familiar sofa and chairs and the matching lamps and end tables???”

Self I said “I used to know where everything was, now I am not too sure I even know how to get to the parking lot from here!”

Self I said “I am going to stand here and pout until they bring my sofa an chairs back because they took my sofa and chair away and I have no where to sit and pout!”

Now while I was having this internal dialogue I also observed how excited all the youth were (my DD amongst them) as they headed down to their new space.

I also watched the saints of the church head in the direction of their long await “Gibson Hall” that will better accommodate the special needs for a group that is advancing in age as they are.

I was thankful that I was keeping my intern dialogue just that, internal!

Right now I am a bit overwhelmed by all the changes and all the “new things” (ISA 43:19) that are going on around “my house.”

It has been my sanctuary for 20 years and it will continue to be my sanctuary for many many more years to come.

Things have changed and I have to change with them.

I have to remember that to grow in Christ means to be in a constant state of transition. The process of sanctification, the process of growing in Christ means that I must set my “Well! We’ve never done it that way before” aside and realize that stuff changes!

I am breathing deeply and realizing that I am but a puff, a breath (PS 39:5) and that in the grand scheme of things the unfamiliar will become more familiar with each day.

And y’all the new space for the youth really is wonderful! They are going to love it!


Robin A.K.A Big Old Fuddy Duddy In Disguise


ISA 43:19 See, I am doing a new thing!
  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert
  and streams in the wasteland.

PS 39:5 You have made my days a mere handbreadth;
    the span of my years is as nothing before you.
    Each man's life is but a breath.


Skoots1moM said…
yes, we are but a PUFF!
sounds lite and airy...amen...
or inconsequential...ewwwww, i'm not to sure about that one.
but hey, being a puff is lite and airy. I'm finally lite and air!
I knew there had to be a positive in here some where.

change is hard...but i like 'lite and airy'
Terri Tiffany said…
LOL I love the fuddy duddy on disguise!! I don't care for change either but seems I can't stop it and some I bring on myself-like moving to FL and changing careers and switching churches--and do I love it??? Hmmm
Change can be good and sounds like your church is a growing!
Cyndy said…
Hi Robin!
I know, long time no hear...But I hear you on the change thing...the older I get the less I want change, I think...but then something changes and I find that I am really glad it did after all. My prayer? "Oh Lord, please keep me flexible so that I bend and do not break."

Hugs, Cyndy

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