No Nite Nites

One of the things that I hope will continue, but realistically I know will one day end are my daughters nite nite prayers. She still has the routine of wanting either me or my husband to come into her room for a good night prayer. It is now 9:45 and I just realized that for the next week I will have no nite nights, it is 9:45 and the only person I have to tell to take a shower is me.


Paula V said…
If ya want you can wake me in the morning and tell me to get my lazy butt out of bed and take a shower. Actually, I look forward to getting up on Sundays. I usually only hit snooze once on Sundays...excited to worship.
Mezzo Forte said…
I have a nightly routine with my kiddos too - ever since DD has been in the world, I've laid down with her at night. When she was little bitty, I would read to her (Bible stories, her favorite book, etc)and then pray with her. As she has grown and we added our DS, she reads to Mom and little bro from her Bible and then both kids say their prayers. We also talk about their day- what was fun and maybe not so fun. And sometimes life topics present themselves and it's a great, quiet time to have some good quality conversation. Both kids are quick to ask me to "come lay with us" if it's Daddy who tucks them in. I hope they NEVER stop asking me. I love that time with them - I hope, someday, they see it as a special time for them because it is certainly a precious time for me.
Skoots1moM said…
I miss night nights


enjoy the peace!

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