Project 365 ~ Week 8: Early Blooms, Sleeping Beauty, A Leak, Barbie Fun and a Bag of Lemons…

Monday, February 20

Well I am not sure what to think! I do not ever recall having blooms this early in the year. My fear is that in typical southern fashion we will get a very nasty turn to the frigid winter temperatures and all the new spring blooms will be ruined. The cherry tree in the back yard is in full bloom and all the daffodils are up and the thrift is blooming and the red bud trees have been blooming for days.


Tuesday, February 21

Well things for my son have picked back up and the jobs are rolling in. Mommy drops off Muffinhead very early and she tuck her in the spare room and she falls fast asleep for several more hours. I went in to wake her and found her sprawled out with such a sweet look on her face. Is there anything better than a sleeping little one?


I noticed a small puddle in the garage at the beginning of the week. Well when I went out in the garage this afternoon the small puddle had turned into a very large puddle. After moving some things around and opening the doors to the utility closet where the water heart is I found the problem. There was about 1/2 an inch of standing water on the floor that was seeping out into the garage. There was also a very consistent stream of water dripping at an alarming rate from the bottom of the water heart. Thankfully I have a very dear friend who is just as handy in the home repair as the hubs. I made an emergency call to him and with in the hour he had come to my rescue and determined the problem was possibly a faulty valve. He wrangled the broken valve out and replace it and ….my problem was solved.


The Hubs has been traveling for business consistently for about five years now, this is the very first time that I have ever had an issue that I needed to address immediately. The good thing about being in the midst of the body of believers is they understand the need to help when there is a call for help. I knew just who to call and I called with assurance that the issue would get taken care of…God is Good!

Wednesday, February 22

We attended the Ash Wednesday service at church.


Thursday, February 23

I had this thought that there might be some dress up cloths in a storage bin in the back closet. Well I went in search of said dress up cloths only to find that they have either been sold at a yard sale or donated to Goodwill. However I think I found the next best thing.

Barbie and Mufinhead are now best friends.


Friday, February 24

The DD and I went to the grocery story on Friday evening.The Hubs is coming home on Saturday and we have a lot of housework to get done not to mention a panty that needed some attention. So the evening grocery run helped to get one chore out of the way so our Saturday morning will be free to get the house ready for the hubs return Saturday evening.

For years I have been watching the Food Network and listening to all the chefs talk about Meyer Lemons. Meyer lemons this, Meyer Lemons that….Have you ever seen them in the store? Me neither, that is until Friday night. Hopefully they will start to become a bit more main stream. I am eager to give them a try. The first order of business is maybe a cocktail or maybe a refreshing glass of homemade lemonade or maybe a lemon meringue pie…..I’ll let you know what I think of them.


Well that was my week, for more P365 y’all head over to Sara’s and link up!



PS: The Hub’s is home safely from Germany and sleeping off the jet lag…….:)

All is well!


I love Meyer lemons. They are the best. Loved the flower shot. Your week looked like a fun and productive one.
riTa Koch said…
I'll be looking for those lemons.
My husband gets back tomorrow morning :)
Yes, wonderful to be in a community of believers that look after one another.
Such a sweet picture of little sleeping beauty.
Can't believe everything is in bloom.
Have a beautiful week.
LuAnn said…
I love lemons. I get a bag at Aldi. I can cut them and eat them like a orange. I put several slices in my water during the day too.

Glad your husband is home safely.
Mary said…
Oh my...Muffinhead just has the sweetest little mouth! Good thing you were able to get the water heater fixed right away...I've heard horror stories about things going terribly wrong when the water drains out!
Unreal that the cherry trees are already blooming! I noticed our Bradford Pears are budding, but I think you're right: we're going to have a cold snap (probably during out spring break!)!
Mimi said…
Muffin head makes my utereus ache!

Hugs & love,
Sarah said…
LOVE meyer Lemons!
The Bug said…
That picture of Muffinhead is just too cute! She looks like an illustration of a gerber baby or something :)

Those lemons look yummy - can't wait to hear your verdict.

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