Project 365 ~ Week 5

Hey There Y’all! I did a bit better this week, I only missed a few days, and in my book that’s a good week!

I can’t believe that I actually had a Saturday and had the opportunity to get my post ready today instead of late Sunday afternoon. Will wonders never cease!

Monday, January 30

I finished this labor of love on Sunday evening. I have been working on this shawl for quite some time. I actually started on September 15 of last year and finally cast off on Sunday (1-29-2012). Sometimes I can be a bit on the stubborn side, especially when I feel like I did not meet the expectations I set for myself. I had attempted this particular pattern and had an extremely difficult time with it. I had to sit for one entire evening with a friend while she unraveled and corrected my mistakes. I just could not seem to get a handle on how to get the stitches correct. Finally after several days of frustration I finished off the project and turned it in. You can click here to see a picture of it if you like. As I was finishing up the rather difficult project I had a knitting epiphany and finally figured out where I was making my mistake. Once all my synapses were firing in all the right places and I had a handle on the pattern I felt this irritating little voice in the back of my brain nagging me to give it one more go.

Well not wanting to yield to failure I started on a second attempt on the pattern. I decided to take my time. My level of proficiency with crocheting is at a point where I can watch television, hold conversations and still work on projects. Knitting not so much. This project took a bit longer due to the fact that I had to reserve it for the times when I was undisturbed, the short of it is that I can not knit and talk at the same time. At least not this pattern anyway! I also had some very lengthy breaks for the project as I set it aside before Thanksgiving and then did not return to it until after Christmas. But after all the holidays were packed away it was time to pick this one up and get it finished.

I was very pleased with how it turned out. Will I do this one again….well that is still up for debate.


I do really like the open weave and the wavy pattern. It did turn out nicely even if I do say so myself!


Tuesday, January 31

Well it has begun. I think the county school system must have sold their student data base information, because the collage advertisements have been showing up like gang busters. At least one, sometimes as many as six or more show up every day. The DD is assembling quite a hefty stack of envelopes in the future collages prospects folder.

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Thursday, February 2

Muffinhead was here for the morning. She was a good little mommy as she changed Angel Baby’s “stinky butt”, several times that morning in fact!


Never under estimate the enjoyment factor of empty butter tubs.


Later that afternoon the DD and I drove out to visit my mom. She is recovering in the hospital from knee replacement surgery. We had a nice visit and I opted to snap a picture of the every popular parking ticket, one day someone one will explain to me why we all just roll over for parking fees at hospitals. It really bugs me.


Friday, February 3

No I did not eat breakfast, lunch or dinner at the IHOIP today. I did however have a late supper at IHOP last night on the way home from the hospital.

This is me going back the the IHOP when I discover that I had left my phone there the night before.

Thank goodness for facebook and a dear sweet friend. I sent her a message on facebook to call me on my cell phone to see if I could find it. We no longer have a land line so I could not call myself. Bummer. It went straight to voice mail. I mentioned to her (via facebook chat) that I had looked everywhere I could think of and the only place left was IHOP. She called the IHOP and inquired for me and hurray!!!! they had my phone.


I love not paying that nasty home phone bill every month but relying only on cell phones has been a bit of an adjustment. I was a bit unsettled once I realized that I was completely unreachable. I have now gotten the Hubs old cell phone and will be taking it up to the ATT store soon to enquire about getting a replacement phone. It will no longer hold a charge. It will become our permanent house phone.

Well my IPod arrived in the mail today, y’all remember I got it free when we purchased our new mattress!

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I am not sure what I am going to do with it and I have not figured out how to use it. It keeps shutting off on me after about two minutes. I don't’ know if it is defective or if it still needs to charge. I left it on the charge all night. I have downloaded the the owners manual and I need to transfer it to my Kindle so I can give it a look. I did manage to get some music transferred to it last night.

Saturday, February 4

The hubs was teasing me last night about the numerous amount of electronic devoice that are stacking up in my vicinity.

With my newest addition of my IPod (which I did figure out why it was shutting off on me. I did not have the headphones plugged in all the way and it was shutting off…gotta love Google for those easy fixes!!!!), well my pile of devises has gotten a bit out of hand.

From bottom to top, my laptop, my Kindle, my external storage device, my cell phone and now my IPod…..If I wanted to I could blog, read, back up my files, talk on the phone and listen to music all at the same time…..I’d call that CTRAZY!


It still boggles my mind that a HUGE 747 has the ability to soar through the air so I was equally impressed with the improbability that this matchbook sized device can actually play music. I was marveling last night at how tiny this newest device really is and just how many songs it will hold. I am not a HUGE music lover but I am considering getting one of those adaptors that go in your cassette deck in the car that will allow me to play the IPod in my van.

The hubs returned from Puerto Rico on Saturday and at my request made a stop at the duty free story and picked me up a bottle of Light Rum and Dark Rum. I am now on a quest to try and recreate the Mai Tai’s that we had when we were in Hawaii. I will be off to the grocery story in a bit to see if I can find some Orgeat which I had to Google to find out that it was Almond syrup….wish me luck!

Edit: Before I hit the publish button I wanted to amend my post with an update! After a trip to the Kroger and Ingles I finally located a bottle of Orgeat at the local Liquor store. The DD was away at a birthday sleepover so the hubs and I took to opportunity to have a date night. On the way home we stopped in the beverage superstore and snagged the final ingredient necessary for the Mai Tai’s!

Orgeat…who knew…NOT ME! But is was a deal at $4.99.


The assemblage….the Mai Tai is a bit ingredient heavy however it did come close to tasting how I remember them.


However the rum I have is not as dark at the rum they used in the islands. I will have to do some further investigating.


Aloha…..I am pretending I’m in Hawaii!

Well that’s it for me this week!

For more P365 y’all head over to Sara’s and link up!




That shawl that you made is beautiful! I love the pattern and the color!
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LuAnn said…
Nice drink for date night.

And I love the shawl - very cheery:)
sara said…
the shawl is gorgeous!!! Don't worry about not being able to knit and talk at the same time....I can't even knit!

who needs toys when you have butter tubs!!!

that drink looks so good!!!
Kim said…
That's a gorgeous shawl! I'd made about 7-8 bags and had a problem with one step every.single.time. and then the last bag I made I finally realized what I was doing wrong. Duh! Gotta love those light bulb moments :)

We could probably just give our kids and grandkids empty containers and boxes and never bother with toys and they'd be just fine :) My daughter was happiest at that age when digging through the kitchen cabinets.

Have a great week!
Skoots1moM said…
girl, you got some great shots this week!
better be careful, we'll start calling you a tech-y!!

enjoy the ipod, they're fun for housework,too

awesome shawl!
beckyjomama said…
LOVE the shawl ... love it! That was a tall stack of butter tubs - free toys rock! free ipods, wow!!!
I love the shawl. The color is amazing. Drink looks yummy too....I loved the story of the phone at the hospital...sounds like something I would do.
The Bug said…
I love the shawl too - really pretty in color and pattern.

I remember getting all those college notices when I was in high school - I thought it was so exciting!

I do the cassette adaptor thing for my mp3 player (mostly to listen to audio books) - it works really well!

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