Project 365 ~ Week 6

So when you get down to Saturday you will know why I am so late in getting my post up today.

It was freezing today and my feet are in a perpetual state of iciness. I am in hopes of curling up with a book and a blanket as soon as I hit the post button so I will forge ahead to facilitate that goal.

Monday, February 6

The day started out in a normal uneventful kind of way. However you just never know when something seemingly unimportant can impact you. It was an unguarded moment and in a thoughtless “what harm can it do kind of way” I posted an opinion on a Facebook page I follow.

Have mercy is all I can say. Thankfully I swiftly retreated to the safety of my kitchen table with the quick utilization of the handy DELET button. I have learned a valuable lesson on keeping my opinions to myself.

Needles to say after I got over be stunned and shocked that my simple opinion over a very ridiculous topic…what actor should play the part of a character from a novel…..well I was blasted for my choice and in no uncertain terms was scolded, belittled, and basically dissed for my personal opinion. I was so shocked at how quickly so many jumped on the band wagon that I had to get a few of my feelings out in a quick post. I fixed myself a latte and set aside my bible study for a few minutes and I spoke my peace.

You can click here to read my post about getting my cyber wrist slapped for offending the general populace with my ridiculous opinion.


Tuesday, February 7

Dinner….French Onion Soup….It was GOOD!


Wednesday, February 8

Ever have those moments? I am searching my entire house looking for something. I made a mental not to myself the evening before.

“Make sure you take this to church with you tomorrow. You will need this.”

I am teaching a friend how to crochet and I have a very helpful booklet with lots of wonderful pictures and diagrams. I had it in my hot little hand the night before….could I find it the next day….that would be a big no!

Searching, searching, searching…………

Where did I find it?

Wadded up in the trash. Why yes I had wadded it up and tossed it in the trash along with a few receipts that I was cleaning out of my wallet.

Sometimes I wonder how I have the brain capacity to draw breath……..


My difficult morning was redeemed during bible study. At our break time my class took the opportunity to present me with a gift. Normally most classes wait until the end of the year to show their appreciation to the facilitator. It is totally not necessary but this year my class wanted to give their gift a bit early. There was method to there surprise as they wanted me to be able to use it during the colder months. Our class will be over in early spring and the time for wrapping up in a beautiful warm quilt will be over.

Isn’t this just awesome. One of the members actually made this. The rest of the class all chipped in on the supplies and she put this beautiful quilt together, and y’all it matches my living room colors wonderfully!


My view of the girlchild…once she get into a good book I simply do not see her until she is finished.


Friday, February 10

The Hubs is off to Germany for some needed training. He spent the morning packing and making sure his IPod was fully charged.

I packed him in the car and off we went to the train station which will take him directly to the airport.

Suit Case…Check



IMG_8791 IMG_8789

Saturday, February 11

What did I do all day on Saturday?


Did I think about stopping to work on my P365 post…yea, but I just took advantage of the blustery super cold day and bundled up in my new quilt and read to my hearts content!

I started The Hunger Games on Saturday morning and had it finished by the end of the day. I was an easy read, but the DD and I are butting heads over some issues. I think there are some rather large holes in the story and the DD of course thinks it is the best book she has read in a long time. Don’t get me wrong I think it is a good story! I do still stand by my opinion that there are some major holes that should have been fleshed out a bit for the story to really connect.


Well that’s my week. My feet are still cold and I have just started book two Catching Fire so I am going to spend the rest of the day turning pages and breaking in my new quilt!

For more P365 y’all head over to Sara’s and link up!




semperfi said…
I love the quilt!!! It is cold here & that picture make me want to grab it, wrap it around me & curl up with a book somewhere.
Skoots1moM said…
the quilt looks fantabulous...
i haven't started reading the hunger games yet...
love the looks of that onion soup...wish i had some now
Kim said…
Lovely quilt! (Of course you know that's the first thing I'd comment on :)

Sorry about your facebook experience. I pretty much just use it for stalking friends and family :) But I have de-friended a few over their negative, nasty facebook behavior. I have a hard time they'd say things like that in public, but for some reason have no problem blasting off in cyberspace.

Every.Single.P365.Post this week has had at least one food photo (except mine) and y'all are making me so hungry! hahaha I just want to eat my way through :)

Hopefully your feet have thawed out by now! Have a great week!
Rebecca Jo said…
There are definitely holes in the story - but have to remember, its a "young adult" book - dont think it was made with the intentions of anything but teenagers all giddy over it :) I love the books though (except the last one - didnt care for it)

I've never had french onion soup - but anything with that much cheese has GOTTA be good!
sara said…
It is amazing what people will say when they don't have to say it face to face....we see it a lot in the ministry.

love, love french onion soup!!! I think I will now have to make that this week!

I enjoyed the hunger games series, except for the last was disappointing.
The Bug said…
Oh boy that soup is making me drool - wow! I really do need to take a road trip down your way to stay for about a week :)

I'm with Rebecca - I didn't like the last book very much. I loved the first one though - hoo boy. I think I have a picture on my P365 from last year where I was sobbing. Ha!
Love that quilt. It is gorgeous. The onion soup made me hungry. I left my lunch at home so I am eating a pack of peanut butter crackers and I could almost taste that soup.
Terri Tiffany said…
I love how you post about your days:) You have a lovely life. That quilt is awesome BTW! How nice of them to give you that!
Mary said…
That quilt is beautiful!
I hate that you're opinion wasn't valued. I make it a point to NOT comment on public pages; in fact, I deleted all of them and just use FB to keep up with friends.
The Hunger Games was really good. YS read it in a day, but I had to keep putting it down. I'm waiting to read Catching Fire until I can just sit and read without being interrupted.
riTa Koch said…
I feel so out of it--haven't read the Hunger Games yet :(
I did, however, get the books for my grandson two years ago, to inspire him to read. He hasn't finished the second one yet :(
I love the quilt and the wall color!
Ah. Books, books, books. Love them. Love picking one up and never (or rarely) putting it down until its done. :) I'm currently re-reading Jane Eyre. And it's just as riveting as it was when I was in school. Now I just need the awesome quilt to go with.

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