My House is quiet….

I don’t have Muffinhead today, it’s only been a few weeks since I started watching her in the mornings, but already I miss seeing that little head pop around the corner when she wakes up. The hubs left for a business trip the morning and the DD is off to school. It’s just me and the dog cuddled up on the sofa enjoying the lights on tree and the peace and quiet of my house.

The random thoughts that are passing through my head this morning…..

Planning my Christmas brunch menu and a Christmas dinner menu, thinking about going shopping for a new sweater for the hubs company Christmas party on Friday, mentally putting together the last Christmas gift I have to make, wishing I had a new phone but dreading the weeding out process as I research which phone out of the thousand on the market will best suit my need, why oh why can’t things be made to last!

I saw one of our church youth on FB today posting about her “Tacky Christmas Sweater Day” and realize that I have the very same sweater hanging in my closet……..Tacky is the new Christmas sheik I guess….

I am so relieved that all my shopping is done. I was motivated this year to get it done early, my extreme aversion to shopping gets more pronounces with the passing of time. I am so glad that I am done, now I can just relax and enjoy the holidays!

Yesterday I got all my junk mail opened, shredded and now all I have to do it file the remaining stack. The hubs looks at me over supper last night and ask “Why don’t you just deal with it as it come in??????”

That is the question for the ages I think?

Why do we procrastinate the tasks we do not want to do?

I know for me there is a lingering background history involved. Many many years ago we were so financially challenged with a HUGE medical debt as well as all the other household bills that we could not pay. Going to the mail box and opening the mail only brought stress and tears into my life. As I opened all the bills knowing that there was no money to pay them, even remembering it now just bring the angst back!

Thankfully that is no longer the case but my thinking about the process has been tainted by that negative experience.

Old baggage….makes life interesting! However, If I did not have my past experiences then I do not have the foundation for all the painful lessons I need to learn. Through that experience I learned how to budget our finances and how to live within our means. I learned the difference between wants and needs.

With Christmas rapidly approaching looking back on those lean days and knowing that for now they are behind us is such a blessing.

The Lord has been faithful in leading me and teaching me to be good a steward.

Philippians 4:12

12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

I am not sure I am as enlighten as Paul, but I feel grounded in the knowledge that I know the difference between what I really need and what I want. After many many years of being in need, the other side is a good place to be. It comes with much gratitude and thankfulness.

I am pondering what act of service or giving I can do this year.

I’ve done for my friends and my family, but what have I done for those who may be in need……

Well my house is still quiet, the second pot just finished brewing and my tummy is grumbling and my list if things to accomplish is a bit lengthy today so I will close out for now…..

But I’d love to know…What are you thankful for this year and what are you doing to give back this season?




Thanks for the post, Robin, and the reminder of being thankful. And I do have so much to be thankful for this year. I'm still praying for a job for my son-in-law (he passed the BAR and is looking, but the economy--yuck!) He and my daughter are living with us during the search and that is a total blessing--time with them. We'll probably never have this again, so I am thankful for this time together.

Enjoy the Christmas season. I am!

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