Technical Issues Persist, Recovering for a Shattering Defeat, Extreme Weather Predicted and a New Carnival
I'm all over the place this moring, so hang on!!!!!!! I think my minor technical difficulties have allowed me the much needed time to recover from the shame and humiliation I faced at my crushing defeat in the recent Ugly Mug Contest. However life goes on and I must put this staggering tragedy behind me and move on to a new day. But before I take the high ground and accept my defeat with dignity I will say that for future contests I feel we must insist upon a revamping of the rules. Specifically and most importantly one must indeed have proof of ownership of said ugly mug at the time of the contest. With such valuable (Starbucks & Chocolate, the two main food groups) and worthy prizes on the line the possibilities for misinterpretation are simply too great. Now that that’s off my chest I gracefully accept my defeat and hold my head high with the knowledge that it is better to have entered an ugly mug content and lost than to have never entered a contest at all…… Moving ...