In Retrospect......

Well, I see many of you are doing an end of the year retrospective so I thought I would toss mine on the heap as well. In thinking about the past year of my life I have to share that there have been many new things, many (many, many, many) difficult things, many painful things, lots of laughter and nearly as many tears to accompany the laughs. I began this blogging journey on February 14 (ya know it did not even conncet with me that I started this love affair with blogging on Valentines Day, kind of cool I think) but 126 post later I have found this blogging experience to be one of the most rewarding avenues I have journeyed down this year. Over this past 365 days I have encountered so many amazing faith filled bloggers. As I have read your post and you have read mine we have opened our lives and our heart up to each other. I have received comfort, support and a belly laugh when I needed it most. Thank you seems very inadequate but it is all I have. Contemplating what I ...