Random Thoughts…a little time off, a decision, lettuce, my brain hurts and a teenage crisis

The Hubs left this morning for a short business trip. The DS work schedule has lightened up so he has a few days off so Muffinhead has not been filling up my mornings. I must admit that even thought I miss her terribly the time off has been a much needed rest. The dog is going through withdrawals as he looks for her every morning to no avail.

With my bible study coming to and end I am enjoying the fact that I do not have to do any prep work during the week to get ready for my class. I defiantly do not miss having to lug my laptop to church with me on Sunday so I could preview the video segment for Wednesdays class. However now that the study is over I am faced with the decision of what to do next. Do I sign up to facilitate for another year or do I take a bit of time off. Knowing how weak I am I also know that I have to have some form of formal study to give me some accountability. I would love to be disciplined enough to maintain a daily study without the weekly accountability but, truth time, it just doesn’t happen. So I am pondering what my next step will be in that area.

I spent some time in the back yard yesterday and got my cucumbers and zucchini replanted. The first round all died. They were very small seedling and did not survive my lack of watering nor the bout of unseasonal warm weather we had. I was having a conversation with one of my fellow gardeners, who is much more experienced than me in the horticultural arena. She puts me to shame every time she mentions the correct name for all the flowers in my yard. Anyway we were discussing our respective gardens and sharing how much we have enjoyed our yield of lettuce this season. One of the things we have both noticed is that it is amazing how long our fresh picked lettuce will last in the refrigeration in comparison to the store bought version. I have had a bowl of fresh picked lettuce in my refrigerator for several weeks and it seem that the store bought lettuce in the bag is turning brown in a matter of days.

With the success of my first planting I am making big plans for a more divers salad garden in the fall, I can’t wait!


Do you read many classics?

I shared with y’all my winning a Kindle Fire just before Christmas this past year. Well I have been putting it to good use. I have found tons of free downloads. Most of the classics are all public domain so they are all free. I have read Frankenstein and now I am about a 1/3 of the way through The Count of Monte Cristo. I have to share that for as much as I was looking forward to broadening my literary horizons I am struggling. I have managed to read several other contemporary fiction books in the span of the time it takes me to wade thought just one of the classic selections that I have in my queue. I am enjoying The Count of Monte Cristo but I have to resist the urge to skim over the more wordy sections. Authors just don't write like they did back in the day. I have to make a concentrated effort to sort through the plethora of vocabulary that hitherto has escaped our contemporary literary offering of today. It makes my head hurt y’all! What is even more amazing to me is that all this classic verbiage was all written by hand with a quill and ink well and that these authors actually knew all the words that I am having to look up. No spell check or thesaurus function for Alexander Dumas. He knew the meaning of interstices….I had to look it up, an intervening space especially a very small one…now I know!

Confession, I did not like Frankenstein at all. From my perspective, with all the various film version of this classic story that I have seen,  it is my firm opinion that they did much in the way of literary interpretation to make the story more interesting for the big screen.

My advice skip the book and go straight to the movie!

Lastly I have been informed that the headphones I purchased for the DD before spring break no longer work. This in the world of a seventeen year old constituted a crisis as she was explaining how unacceptable it was to listen to her iPod with only one working ear bud. Needless to say mom is not going to be breaking any world speed records to replace the CHEEP headphones anytime soon. Isn’t it amazing how things change when the prospect of spending ones own money enter into the game. Will I be buying anymore CHEEP headphones….that would be a BIG NO!

So what random things are going on in your world today?




Kathleen said…
I almost want to plant a garden given your prodigious results. Almost.

As I read through your collection of random thoughts, I couldn't help but think how delighted are ordinary days & random doings.

Enjoy it all!
Skoots1moM said…
pretty lettuce

had to open the windows; our downstairs air won't come on ;(

the garbage man has been EXRA loud this morning

the crows are sqauwking outside

definitely, hee hee
The Bug said…
I have GOT to see if I can grow lettuce in Ohio! Every year I say that, but this time I'm going to look up the best planting time & put it ON MY CALENDAR!

It sounds like you're like me when it comes to Bible study. I think your decision (realistically) is whether or not you want to give yourself permission to lie fallow for a year.

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