Project 365 ~ Week 3

Well this week was definitely a departure for us down here in the south. the eight-ish inches of snow we experienced sent nearly the entire state into a snow induced coma and we found ourselves snowed in for the entire week. 

Sunday, January 9

It doesn't happen often down south but when it does it totally sends almost everything into a tail spin. The meteorologist got it right this time and the predicted snow began to fall right on schedule Sunday evening.

It started to accumulate about 10:00 PM…


About 30 minutes later we had about 1/2 an inch…


By the time I went to bed at about 11:30 PM it was well over an inch…


Monday, January 10

Schools close for day one and I awoke to this….





The hubs and the DD spent some time outside with the neighborhood children on the sled, you can click here for more pictures and a post about that.

I had made the necessary pantry stocking on Saturday at the grocery store so I had plenty of food stuffs for the foreseeable future. I had taken a package of short ribs out of the freezer on Sunday morning and put them on to cook in my crock pot Monday morning. This is a big time family favorite, Beer Braised Short Ribs. I don’t fix them often due to the pricy cost of short ribs as well as the fact that it is totally not a figure friendly recipe, which is why it is so wonderful.


Tuesday, January 11

Schools close for the second day…

I think it’s a rule, when it’s really cold outside and there is snow on the ground large quantities of chili must be consumed.


Wednesday, January 12

Schools closed for the third day….

The snow is now covered with a nice thick coating of rock solid ice.


It is so thick in some place that the dog can walk or slip and slide around without breaking though! He found this to be unacceptable and quickly did his business and requested immediate reentry into the non-slippery surface of our warm dry house.


Chicken and Dumplings for dinner….I mean after all what else did I have to do…


Not to be too dramatic but at times the kitchen can be a perilous place to work. In the preparation for said Chicken and Dumplings I had a what can only be described as a tragic and painful Chicken and Dumpling’s Blunt Force Trauma. I had a large two quart Rubbermaid container of chicken stock in the freezer, Ina Garten would have been so pleased. I was retrieving said container of “frozen solid” chicken stock from the freezer when it slipped from my hands and landed upon my left foot like a bowling ball, my left foot which was only clad in my nice comfy house shoes. The DD assures me that I did manage to restrain from spouting a few choice words as I gripped the counter in excruciating pain. That evening I made sure to show all concerned parties the lovely black bruise that was covering the whole of my toe.

The things I do for my family…the wounds I suffer to provide them with sustenance, the constant suffering I endured as I worked through the pain standing upon my severely damaged appendage…

Thursday, January 13

School has now been canceled for a fourth consecutive day, the kids may be going to school all summer long if we don't thaw soon!

Never let it be said that I can’t milk a good situation, I now have photographic evidence of my ability to work through the pain.

I will refrain from enlarging the picture to lessen the extreme graphic nature of this tragic accident plus I am in desperate need of a pedicure! And that’s not a shadow along the side of my toe that’s a bruise which spreads from the top of the toe down along the side…y’all it’s a bit painful :(


This fourth day with no school however did give me the opportunity to witness something that I never thought I would see in my lifetime.


The DD shoveling snow from our driveway…

Friday, January 14

Lest they break their momentum the schools were closed for a fifth consecutive day…

However by Friday things had begun to thaw just enough for a short and much needed trip out into the land of the living again. It is a terrible picture but I was so thrilled to be outside and actually feeling the sun on my shoulders that I just snapped off the moment. You can see the small person with the in the middle ground that’s skoots1mom patiently waiting for me and the DD to show up for lunch. If you have a Barberitos in your areas you know how good the skinny soft taco is. If ya don't then you'll just have to take my word on it.


Saturday, January 15

A couple of weeks ago we got all the supplies together to make a frame for my painting. The hubs and I worked on getting it put together this afternoon. It was still a bit nippy outside but the sun was out and the temperatures were not to bad, plus it only took a few minutes to get it all nailed together. Now all I have to do is decide where I want to hang it and what color I want to stain the wood.


Well as luck would have it school will be off again Monday for the MLK Holiday. I’m kind of ready to get life back to normal and get this snow behind us. I will say that it was a nice departure for a few days, the bundling up, the slowing down, the time to just rest, read and spend time with the hubs and the DD. We had some good table fellowship, watched a few good movies and enjoyed watching the neighborhood children enjoy the snow and laughed at the dog as he experienced the icy slopes of the back yard.

Well that’s it for this week’s 365.

Y’all head over to Sara’s and link up for more 365 fun!




Ok...would love the chicken and dumplins recipe. I have never made it and the one recipe I have is really hard to follow....mainly because i can't read the handwriting of my mom. This skinny taco place...where is it located? I travel a bit and am always looking for cool places to eat. Have actually searched out and eaten at a few of the featured places on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives and places where Bobby Flay has thrown down. +-
sara said…
wow! we were only off for two days!!

and OUCH! that toe looks painful! I did that very same thing a few weeks back only mine landed on the very top of my that hurts!

I would love the recipe for the braised family would love that and since I am totally NOT sticking to my diet and weight loss desires, I can fix it! :)
McCrakensx4 said…
I have been seeing and hearing all about the snow and school closings on facebook...bbrrr...makes me glad I live in the desert! Love how you took pics of your table getting progressively covered with snow! And yum to any kind of tacos! Ouch to your toe...hope it heals quickly and that you are back to your routine on Tuesday. Have a great week!
Lisa said…
Yikes! That is SOME ice and the cause for a great mess, I'm sure. Yummy comfort food!
Amy said…
What a week!! That's a lot of snow, and the shots you got of it are great.
I'm officially hungry from looking at all your food pictures. Looks like you're going to need to post some recipes. ;-)
Hope your toe feels better!! That's a mom injury if I ever saw one!
The Bug said…
You are so funny - I love your descriptions of your life :) And I want to just dive in & eat those chicken & dumplings right now!
Skoots1moM said…
those ribs, omgoodness!
my laptop died today... ;(
Mimi said…
I would love for your to share your shortribs recipe. I've never had it, but it looks AMAZING!

You could live in Michigan with that much snow. I bet little ones like it.

Have a great week,
LuAnn said…
WOW !!! I live in WI and we have not had that much snow all year here.
But all the food looks wonderful.
Rebecca Jo said…
I loved seeing the snow grow on the table! Crazy to watch it build up, isnt it?

WOW - that food ALLLLLLLLLL looks good. I'll take one of each please! ;)
RaD said…
Ouch! Your toe isn't broken is it?

Mmmmm... Your short ribs and dumplings look yummy!
Seizing My Day said…
crazy but exciting weather!! =) I love weather! sorry about your toe... I drop stuff All.The.Time! great snow pics!!
Amy said…
I remember those snow days in Arkansas...and the usual ice that follows. Snow days are a lot of fun...I say that because I live in California...ha.

Have a great week!!
riTa Koch said…
Winter wonderland in your area!
Can't believe it! Beautiful, and once in a lifetime?
Poor toe ;) But worth the great food???
Take care~!
I would love the short rib recipe as well. That looks yummy!

If you're interested in a trade, I have a recipe for short rib tacos that is pretty good.

Hope the toe is better!
Kim said…
Some amazing snow photos! Looks like y'all ate your way through the week with some mighty tasty food :)

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