Project 365 ~ Week 1

2010 ends and 2011 begins…last year I did not join the 365 party until week 2 so this year I am all in from the very beginning.

I started working in this first edition right after church and now it is close to 10:00PM as I hit the publish button…Sunday day of rest…sometime it just does not work out that way. It was a good day though!

As weeks go I did manage to take a picture every day, however it was with special circumstances.

The Hub’s and I had decided to take full advantage of the DD week long visit with her Aunt and he booked us on an impromptu short trip to New York.

The Hubs had taken the DD out to my sisters house while I made arrangements for our furry child Buster. My bags were packed and ready for the back of the van.

Monday evening as we were making the final small preparations for our trip the hubs gets an automated phone call from the airlines. Our flight had been canceled. After a few minutes on the phone with customer service it was determined the the next available flight was not until December 31 and since all the hotel points the hubs had were all blacked out for the Holiday weekend, plus the fact that your could not get me to go to New York on New Years Eve if you held a gun to my head, we regrouped and regretfully our vacation morphed into a staycation.

Thus is the background for this first edition of Project 365 2011

Sunday, December 26

Normally it’s cereal and toast for breakfast on Sunday morning, but with the blanket of snow we got on Christmas Day most of the church services in North GA. were canceled. You know us southerners always erring on the side of caution when snow and ice are involved. Well with the morning at home I was able to fix us a nice big Sunday breakfast.


We got about 4 inches of the white stuff and Buster had a wonderful time tromping around in it on Sunday morning.

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Monday, December 27

It was a little cold….


Tuesday, December 28

Seeing as we were not dining in New York, and can I tell ya I had some major culinary expectations as far as dining in New York was concerned,  however being that our option were limited we opted to console ourselves with dinner at a local Cuban restaurant. It was very good!


The Tuesday Evening Special: Pork Roast, Black Beans and Rice, Plantains and Cuban Bread


Wednesday, December 29

Rather that pout about not getting to go to the Empire State Building, Time Square or Ground Zero I opted to start painting #2. The Hub’s did a bit of yard work in the cold, he doesn't do relaxation very well…


Thursday, December 30

With it just being the two of us we threw caution to the wind and because we are grown up’s and can do what we want we went out to dinner yet again. We were living on the wild side y’all.

As we came to the end of our street the sky was so beautiful as the sun was heading for the horizon.


Sonny’s usually does not disappoint however I will say that they may have had a bad night or maybe the kitchen staff has had a turn over.

In any event we did not leave hungry, it just was not as good as in times past. Live and learn.


After dinner we headed over to the dollar theater. We were gong to see “Secretariat” however when we got there the movie time had changed. The 7:00 PM show was now slated for 8:00 PM. The hubs, who is not the kind of guy to wait’s around and I was not particularly thrilled with the prospect either we opted for our second choice.

Diane Lane star as Penny Chenery in Walt Disney Pictures SECRETARIAT.

Life as We Know It…CUTE movie and so is Josh Duhamel! Totally to cute, the Lord did some good work with that man!

Life As We Know It - life-as-we-know-it wallpaper

Friday, December 31

Why break with tradition, the prospect of leftover BBQ motivated us to head to the local Mexican place. Fajitas for the Hub’s and the #5 combo for me and a margarita (for me, isn’t it great to have a designated driver) never fail!!!


Saturday, January 1

Our husband and wife staycation was officially over. The DD retuned on Saturday afternoon along with my sister and her family and my mom. My son and his family came over and we celebrated a belated Christmas together.

I tossed a couple trays of frozen lasagna in the oven along with boatload of garlic bread and huge green salad and we enjoyed each others company and had a nice visit.

My three favorite girls, Muffinhead, my DD and my niece.


My niece has turned into quite the little baker, she provided the chocolate cake, decorated it and everything and baked the pie as well. I think we have a budding pastry chef on our hands don’t you! Pretty awesome I think for 13 years old!

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Muffinhead enjoyed the Chocolate Cake and so did Buster!


Well disappointment over our failed travel plans aside it was a good week.

Having nearly a full week to spend with my husband was a treat, we slept late, had three date night’s all in one week and didn’t miss the Big Apple one bit, well maybe a little!

Week on down and on to week two!

All I have to say is “Bring it on P365-2011” my camera is ready how bout you?

For more P365 y’all head over to Sara’s and link up!




The Bug said…
I'm so sorry you missed out on your trip - what a bummer! But all of your food looks great. I think my favorite pics though are of Muffinhead with the little pigtails & all that chocolate - too cute!
Skoots1moM said…
great that ya'll had so much US time...your painting's coming along...i want to come over and have you teach me. niecegirl's cake and pie were very well done. how was their taste? she'll be feeding her mom for a long time
funny shot of muffin head with icing on her face...she is too cute. we soooo enjoyed last night, too!
i love it when our families get together.
beckyjomama said…
Great pics ... although, I am now VERY hungry. LOVED the baby feeding the dog - too cute!
He & Me + 3 said…
Cracking up because we just saw that movie Life as we know it and I think God did some good work with that man too. LOL I love Josh Duhamel. Such a cutie. He did a great job in the movie too.
Love all the food shots this week. So yummy.
Debra said…
Thanks for stopping by and giving me such a sweet welcome to P365! I'm excited about it and will try my hardest to see it through til the end. Enjoyed looking through your pics and reading about your week and now I'm hungry. LOL looks really cold there! :)
Angie said…
I'm with made me hungry.

What a fun trip through "staycation!" I've never had one of those. I have been heard saying I wish the other 5 members of my family would go away on vacation so I can stay home in a quiet house, but I don't think that will happen any time soon. Every other Tuesday I get a quiet afternoon at home with my son. He KNOWS to leave me alone!

Enjoyed your week!
H-Mama said…
A pastry chef, indeed. That's some impressive work. That lil muffinhead is way too cute!!!
Tori said…
All of the food is making me hungry! Sorry your travel plans changed but gald you made good use of your time together!
I am very impressed with your niece's baking skills!!
Happy New Year!!
Mimi said…
Way to make lemons out of lemonade! You girls are beautiful and the pie looks amazing!

Hugs & love,

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