Project 365 ~ Week 2

Sunday, January 2

Normally on Sunday’s it’s leftovers! However Skoots1mom and I decided to close out the holiday vacation with a little fondue shindig over at her house. We pooled our resources and I whipped up a cheese fondue and a chocolate fondue, I had a loaf of Italian bread in the freezer as well as a pound cake and a few pork medallions that were just perfect for cubing up for fondue. The last time we attempted this the cheese fondue was not so successful so we both headed back to the computer to find out exactly how to produced a good cheese fondue. Well we hit the nail on the head this time. It could not been simpler, a little white wine, a lot of Gruyere and a tiny bit of flour and a smidgen of nutmeg and you wind up with this wonderful bubbly creamy oowie gooie cheese fondue. We also had chicken, shrimp and pork and we had cubed up bread and apple slices for the cheese and then we ended with the pound cake for dipping into the chocolate.

Can y’all say fabulous???? Cause it was!


Monday, January 3

Muffinhead makes the front page. 

I was not even aware that they had a New Years celebration geared for the children on the square, but apparently they do. My sweet Muffinhead and her mom went down for the fun. I can’t blame the photographer of the paper for zeroing in on her, I mean after all she is the MOST BEAUTIFUL CHILD ON THE PLANTET, but I’m not bragging, well maybe a little!!!!



Tuesday, January 4

Already down one for this go round, but Tuesdays are my prep days for Disciple so most of my morning is spent on getting ready for bible study and getting my lesson plan finished so oooop’s no pictures

Wednesday, January 5

Does it look like this at the pump where you live????

At $2.99 a gallon it adds up really fast and I was dead flat on empty….YIKES!!!!!!


Thursday, January 6

Do y’all keep a journal? I have for years, I have a whole Rubbermaid trunk full of journals. My favorite ones are the little black composition books. After years of trial and error these seem to be the most economical and the pages don't fall out, sometime you have to tape the black bindings to keep them in place but for my money there is simply no beating these wonderful little black notebooks.

Last night when I returned home from my Prayer Group I was able to close out one journal and open up a fresh new one. I recoded the final date on the front cover and noted that it was dated from 12-21-2009 and my final entry in it was dated 12-28-2010, so nearly a year of my life is encapsulated within the pages of this small notebook. I will admit that the frequency of my entries has become a bit less daily since the beginning of my blog, but I do still keep my journal close at hand at all times. There are just things, random thoughts that require the personal touch of a pen and paper. Not to mention that there are some things that will always be private between me and the Lord. We all have them, private thoughts, and I for one can not even comprehend my life without the outlet of my journals.


If ya don't keep one then take my advice go out to the store and pick one of these up, most of the time they are under $2.00, I am a totally happy camper when I can get them for $1.00, when this happens I pick up a whole stack….love em!!!

Friday, January 7

A no stress day and a no picture day.

Saturday, January 8

I finally got all the ornaments off the tree.

However most of them have migrated over to the dinning room table where they awaiting being carefully wrapped in tissue paper and gently tucked away in various boxes or zip lock bags. This I can do at my leisure, the majority of the rest of the decoration as well as the tree are all back in storage.

Sorta looks like my Christmas tree threw up don’tcha think!


Well this week I was determined to get my 365 post done on Saturday, new year new goals. I am going to try to make a more concerted effort to get my 365 done earlier so I can jump in with all of you on Sunday morning, keeping my fingers crossed. I mean it is only week two. A lot can happen in 50 more weeks!

For more 365 y’all head over to Sara’s and link up!




Kim said…
Lots of great photos this week!
Fondue sounds SOOOOO good!
Muffinhead is too cute -- you're right, the photographer had no choice but to zero in on the cutest kid there :)
Have a wonderful week!
sara said…
I love LOVE fondue!!! We had chocolate fondue on christmas eve.

a very cute picture of muffinhead!

Great week!
Skoots1moM said…
it WAS a fun FONDUE, can't wait til next time

good week of pics...this next week we'll have NEW snow pics :)
Amy said…
I love all those ornaments, they are beautiful. I have journaled off and on for most of my life. I have gotten away from it now that I have a blog, but really need to keep it up as I really enjoyed it.

Great week in pictures and now I am craving fondue...looks SO good.
Rebecca Jo said…
Look at that front page!!!! Awesome!

I love composition books too.. never really thought about using them as journals - but what a way to stay organized. I may have to start using them now too!!! Thanks for the heads up!
I have journaled for years...since my brothers death in 1963. I was 9. and the black composition books have always been my favorite. I loved Muffinhead...such a cutey and fondue rocks.
Mimi said…
It looks like a great week. You acutally have inspired me to see about getting a journal!

Hugs & love,
The Bug said…
I used to keep a diary when I was a teenager (I read it now & get amused at how DRAMATIC I was LOL), but I've had limited success as an adult.

That fondue sounds really good. I want to eat some now please :)
Mary said…
Muffinhead is just adorable! I've never kept a journal...I started to once, but thought I sounded really lame, so I didn't do it again. To this day I can remember what it said.
Angie said…
So fun!

Yes, muffinhead is adorable@

Love journal! I have a leather bound one that is pure joy in my hands. What a sense of pleasure it is to finish one up and move on to fresh pages. Love it!

Did you have to stand on the table to get that pic? It does look like the tree threw up, but how awesome! I packed up Christmas on Friday and got it back into storage, but this time I left an empty box available for all those Christmas goodies I missed.

Fun week!
Amy said…
Great pictures!! I've never done fondue, it looks like fun!
Debra said…
Oh yay, you just gave me a great idea for a picture! My friend gave me a journal like the one in your post, but she decorated it with one of my hummingbird pics, my name, a camera, etc. and it's so cute, you just have to see it. I've been meaning to take a pic of it, so thanks for the reminder...I'll post it on my blog this week.

Would you believe I've never had fondue? Crazy huh? It sounds so yummy and fattening! Lol Oh and it's so nice to meet a fellow food network junkie!!! :)
riTa Koch said…
You got more snow, but our gas prices are higher--so we're even ;)
Love how you and Skoots have so much fun together.
Great journal idea!
Have a great rest of the week. See ya' soon.

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