Project 365 ~ Week 48

I’m not entirely sure what happen last week but sadly I had only one picture to show for the entire week which I am including with this weeks pictures.

This week I made a more diligent effort to try and think 365 and I did much better, plus I also had a few memorable moments all thoughout the week that made the desire to take pictures more enjoyable.

Sometime you just don't have picture worthy moments happen ever day!

Saturday, November 20

I made a triple batch of my Homemade Spiced Cranberry Sauce. I am ready for the holiday season and I don’t have to make any more Cranberry Sauce for a while.


Sunday, November 21 ~ No pictures :(

Monday, November 22

My daughter was about ready to loose her mind as most of her friends had all seen Harry Potter 7 ~ Part One. I don’t normally spring for full price movie tickets but I made a special exception in this case. I forked over the cash and took her and a friend to see it!

I thought it was too long the DD thought it was AWESOME!


Tuesday, November 23

On the way to dinner Tuesday evening (the hubs was out of town on business so no cooking for me) I snapped a few picture of the local Christmas decorations around town.


Then a big o’l salad @ Zaxby's!


Wednesday, November 24

Today was my birthday, yea for me!!!

I started the day off with a sweet birthday surprise of my favorite blue birds giving my birdhouse in the back yard a visit. I am not sure what they are doing as it is very early for nest building. Maybe they are scouting locations for the upcoming spring and staking their claim early on this prime real estate.



My husband made it home in time for the holiday and then He surprised me with a shopping trip to pick out my birthday present.

Hello gorgeous!


My fabulous new shiny cookware!


These puppies are settled in their new home under my counter!!!!!!


I said a fond farewell to my old miss match tired, but well used cookware!


Thursday, November 25

Thanksgiving morning I broke in part of my new cookware with a nice big breakfast. I did not have any major cooking to do as we are heading out to my husbands sister for Thanksgiving. Pillsbury Orange Danish are a childhood favorite of my husband and I always fix them on special occasions.


My sister in laws house is not far from the Georgia National Cemetery. My husband wanted to stop by and visit his fathers gravesite. We had not been there since the funeral. We are approaching the anniversary of his passing so I am sure it has been in the back of his thoughts for some time.


The Georgia National Cemetery opened for burials on April 24, 2006 and is 775-acre. As I drove out of the cemetery I lifted up a prayer that it would never be filled up.

Friday, November 26

Today was a day in the kitchen. I did all my prep work for my delayed Thanksgiving dinner party. You can see the menu here!

The favorite desert at our hose around the holiday and on birthdays is chocolate cheese cake. This year I pressed upon the DD that she needed to learn how to make said favorite so that she could one day be able to recreate this on her own. I am proud to announce that she completed this years addition from start to finish and all I did was supervise. It was very good!


Saturday, November 27

The migratory movement for the regular coffee cups takes place and the holiday cups are now being use. It is the very first sign that the Holiday season is beginning at our house.


I have to confess, anytime I am regulated to the position of guest especially on Thanksgiving I feel slightly cheated. What can I say I missed getting in my kitchen and cooking up a storm and having all those aroma’s wafting out of my kitchen. I made a few phone calls and quickly had a small gathering in the works. I tossed my dishes on the table for some holiday fellowship.


Well given that I am a grown woman and I can make executive decision I opted to throw my own delayed Thanksgiving. Skoots1mom and her hubs came over and we enjoyed each other company and had a relaxing meal and then we put a few ornament on the tree and watch some collage football.


It was a wonderful even and an even better end to a holiday weekend.

Well that’s it for me and this week 365.

I hope everyone had a blessed and peaceful holiday week.



Rebecca Jo said…
Happy Birthday!!!! I have to say, I'm drooling over your new cookware! And look at the reaping your family gets with all that yummy breakfast!!! :)

Wasnt Harry Potter FANTASTIC!!!!!
sara said…
so much fun to have new cookware!!!

We always had pillsbury orange cinnamon rolls in my house growing up too!!
RaD said…
OOOh, that cheesecake looks good and so does that salad! We have to rotate things like coffee cups for the holidays too!
Skoots1moM said…
i'm ready to do it again :)
Emily said…
All the pictures are great! I want to eat that chocolate cheesecake, hahaha :) Happy Birthday!
The Bug said…
The cheesecake looks great - way to pass the baton there :)

I'm glad you're excited about your pots. I'm usually excited about new kitchen stuff, but I don't really use it so it's more of a "isn't that pretty?" kind of excitement. Heh.

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