
Showing posts from February, 2010

Project 365 – Week 9

Hey there y’all. I’m a bit lat today but here is my contribution to this weeks 365. If y’all want to see more go over and give Sara a visit for more 365 participants.   Sunday, February 21 I observed the Sabbath and did not take any pictures. The most strenuous thing I did after returning home from church was exerting the energy to turn the pages of my book. Monday, February 22 The DD was not in the mood to help me with 365 as the some 15 odd photo’s of the inside of her palm that just got deleted from my computer will attest to. Tuesday, February 23 The need for toilet paper and coffee made it necessary to make a trip to the grocery store. I was very eco friendly as I remembered to take my re-usable shopping bags into the store. I usually leave them in the back seat of my car. As well as the grocery store I made a trip to the H Mart for produce.   My refrigerator is absolutely bulging with fresh lettuce, green peppers, cucumbers, apples, limes, l...

Eating Chocolate Cheerios and waiting for it to warm up so I can take the dog for a walk…

Yes I had a coupon for the chocolate cheerios and as chocolate cereal goes it is not to bad. It is a bit chilly out this morning the temp registering at about 27 degrees and the DD did not have time to walk the dog this morning. Now under normal circumstance dog walking is strictly her job but being the wonderful mother earth that I am (NOT) I gave her a pass this morning. She had a big Orchestra concert last night. Whoo to the Hoo, they got a superior rating. I did not get to attend the concert but the hubs said they sounded very good.  She did not get home until almost 9:30 and was so exhausted she went strenth to be and made the decision to do her home work in the morning. Why didn't I get to go? I am glad you asked! For reason that I am sure made perfect sense to someone they decide to schedule the Large Group Performance Evaluation on the very same day as 9th Grade Parent Orientation at the High School. That’s right next year will be my precious eye rolling little an...

Random Dozen

Joining Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee for this weeks Random Dozen 1. Have you ever fired a gun or shot a bow and arrow? I have never fired a gun but I have a faint memory of using a bow an arrow once back in the day at a summer camp experience. 2. Do you know where your childhood best friends are? No, very sad but true! 3. Do you usually arrive early, late, or on time? Early or on time. I absolutely hate it when I am late! And while I’m on a roll it really bugs me when someone else is late, chronic lateness really send me over the edge. 4. Are you more of a New York or California type? If I have to pick, it would be California. However perfection would be a sweet little cabin surrounded by a beautiful garden with a view of the ocean and a short walk to the beach. I would be a happy girl! 5. Do you have a special ring tone? Not anymore. I have not figured out how to change the ringtone on my new phone. I had it all figured out on my old phone but the new Wi...

You Want Some Cheese with that Whine

I had a bad dream last night. I can’t find something I need. The hubs said well it should be right …well it isn't right there!!! The DD sassed me and rolled her eyes at me this morning. My hair is dirty. I have to finish my bible study. We are completely out of toilet paper and coffee. I need to go to the grocery store and the bank. My house needs to be picked up. I have a slight headache :( Really all I want to do is sit on the sofa and read my book… But since we are out of toilet paper and coffee I will be forced to leave the comfort of my bathrobe and sofa and venture forth to bring comfort and caffeine to my loving family. This may require an emergency stop at Starbucks. On a more positive note I have just found my good tweezers which were not put back where they belong which is supposed to be in my makeup drawer, I found them on my husbands side of the bathroom in his drawer and I have been looking for them for months.   R I don't even feel l...

Project 365 – Week 8

Joining Sara for this weeks edition of Project 365. Y’all what a difference a week makes. There is not one picture of a wadded up Kleenex or empty packet of Alka-Seltzer Plus to be found. It is good to feel better! Sunday, February 14 Happy Valentine's Day to me! I had a 30% coupon from Kohl’s and this was on sale and well I have always wanted a Panini maker so I snapped this puppy up for a bargain price of under $15.00….yea for me! I fired that bad boy up on Sunday afternoon for lunch.       I was good y’all…a nice hot ham & cheese Panini on sourdough bread! Monday, February 15 It’s a breakfast miracle. Our toaster no longer toasted no matter how many times you pushed the toast down and on many a morning there was a very nice puddle of coffee on the counter under my old coffee maker. So along with my brand new shinny Panini maker I got a new toaster and a new coffee maker ( I totally burned up the 30% coupon, got some great deals) so Monday mo...

I Won…You Win continues…

Congratulations to Cathy at Tales of the TCKK Family . She will be the next leg in I Won…You Win . So if you want to join in on all the ‘I Won” fun keep your eyes peeled on her blog for your chance to be the next winner! Blessings Y’all I cant wait to see who will be the next winner! Robin

Friday Fill-In’s

Friday Fill-In’s   1. Johnny Weir, ok had to Google him because I totally did not know who he was. Now that I have Goggled him I am not sure I needed to know who he was. 2. Have not watched the 2010 Olympics. 3. And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud,was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. (a poem “Risk” by a woman names Anais Nin) ok had to Google this one too and again I had no idea what this one was either. Maybe Friday Fill-In’s is not for me. I don't like to have references on my blog to things, folks and stuff I am not familiar with. Who was this woman and does anyone else know who she is??? 4. Google can answer almost any question if you get an urge. 5. Having sweet dreams would be a wonderful thing, but I rarely remember my dreams. 6. What does it take to live a balance life? 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to dropping my DD of at a sleepover and my husband returning from a business trip, tomorrow...

Random Dozen

Joining Linda over at 2nd Cup of Coffee for this weeks edition of Random Dozen!   1. If you could compete in one Olympic event (not necessarily winter sports) what would it be? Gymnastics or Archery. I had aspirations in high school for perusing gymnastic but sadly I did not have the tiny little body nor the aptitude, coordination or dedication necessary. Plus I dislocated my left shoulder during a P.E. class and that put a huge damper on things for me. 2. Do remember a specific Olympic moment from the past? No,not really. Not being the sport enthusiast I do not pay attention to the Olympics, but as I am thinking about it I do remember watching last years opening ceremonies in China and being blown away by the visual impact. I was amazing! 3. Have you ever known anyone who competed in the Olympics? Nope! 4. If everyday activities were Olympic-worthy, which activity would you have a gold medal in? Latte making! I ROCK at extra foam! 5. Do you know an...

I Won…You Win continues…

It’s that time again. Y’all go over to Nel’s blog Fastenau Facts and toss you name in the wooden shoe for the next leg of I Won…You Win . This will be the sixth leg for “Sister Chick with Wooden Shoes” if you want to be lucky number six then head on over and give Nel a visit! Good Luck to all! Blessings Robin

A thought to ponder…

Yesterday during worship our pastor shared these words: “to say that God loves us without condition is not to say that God approves of every behavior” God loves us all unconditionally, that is the meaning of agape. When agape love is practiced it overlooks the faults and it expect nothing in return. God is the perfecter of agape love, He is our example of how we are to love others. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all practice agape love all the time, but as humans we tend to fall into the practice of expecting something in return. As I listened to my pastor speak a word to us I thought a lot about how God loves me, unconditionally. However, it was the last part of the statement that gave me cause for concern. God may love me unconditionally but He does not always approve of my behavior. When I look at the course of my day I have to confess that there are many thing that occupy my time that do not glorify God.  Television… That’s a huge one for me. I find that I do so...

Project 365 – Week 7

Joining Sara for this weeks edition of Project 365. I have to share with all y’all that this week was a challenge as you will note from the Alka-Seltzer Plus flavored photographs. But I forged ahead and made an attempt to capture the “effervescence” of my week.    Sunday,February 7, 2010 I began to feel not so good!   Monday,February 8, 2010 It is confirmed, by Monday morning both the DD and I were tucked in and nursing the nasty cold/flu ickies! The hubs ordered Pizza for dinner! Tuesday, February 9, 2010 The last thing on my mind was documenting how awful I felt with a picture.   Wednesday, February 10, 2010 To my surprise my ever faithful Alka-Seltzer Plus is now Orange Zest flavored, it turned orange…kinda reminded me of Fanta Orange soda except not! It was slightly less revolting that the regular flavor. Thursday, February 11, 2010 I managed to take a shower, put on actual clothing and even cooked a meal on Thursday. I w...

Snow Falling on Rosemary…


Breathing a sigh of relief…at least a little bit anyway and Friday Fill-In

Thankfully I am feeling a bit better. I managed to shower, wash my hair and actually get out of my bathrobe on Thursday. I cooked for the first time yesterday, chicken chili which was good. Today I feel almost normal. I still have a slight cough and a bit of the sniffles. The world returned to normal very quickly as I have a few loads of laundry yet to do and since I am back in the land of the living I now have to think of what to cook for supper again tonight. Why oh why does my family insist in easting on a regular basis???? The weather people are all in a tizzy in these parts as we are currently under a winter weather advisory. Some of the schools in the southern areas of the state have already been closed and they are predicting the snow to hit later this afternoon. Never fear, I am prepared with an extra gallon of milk, and unopened container of coffee, plenty of coffee creamer, hot cocoa mix, mini marshmallows and lots chicken noodle soup to last for a good long while. ...

Nyquil take me away!

Y’all the DD and I are in the land of sniffles, coughs and generally feeling terrible! My head feels like it is floating about 12 inches above my neck and I have the general feeling that there is a 50 pound bag of sand on the rest of my body. So no blogging for me…I’m off to take some more alka-seltzer plus

Project 365 – Week 6

Joining Sara for this weeks edition of Project 365! Y’all Link up and join in on the fun!   Sunday, January 31, 2010 It was Communion Sunday. The Prayer Shawl Ministry takes this opportunity to lay out the completed prayer shawls on the alter for the congregation to pray over. Monday, February 1, 2010 A light dusting of frost. It was pretty while it lasted. Tuesday, February 2, 2010 An unexpected lunch date with my husband!   Wednesday, February 3, 2010 Skoots1mom ran up on a bargain and shared the wealth. Yum, Red Peppers! Thursday, February 4, 2010 Thanks again Skoots1mom the peppers were really good on top if this frozen pizza.    Friday, February 5, 2010 Our waterfall transformed by Winter. A visit for my granddaughter. She had so much fun with her new toys from Goodwill (last weeks project 365)   And now for quite possible the picture of the week!   The puppy always get very excited when t...

A New Look and a Morning Off!

Do y’all have days off? When I went to a paying job I used to love my days off from work. Now that I am no longer a member of the working for a paycheck crowd I find myself back in that familiar boat of feeling like I always have to be productive on the home front. Realistically there is always laundry that needs to be done or  bills that need to be paid. There is always something that needs to be clean, but sadly my husband married the wrong woman where house cleaning is concerned. I’d rather balance my checkbook and I really hate doing that! But do you ever just take the morning off? I guess in the stage of my life right now I can take a morning of without the world coming crashing down around my feet. As I was leaving the church last night after a wonderful prayer shawl ministry meeting Skoots1mom and I rode down in the elevator with one of our younger members. She was accompanied by her husband and two very adorable and very small children. Mom was holding the infa...

Random Dozen

It’s that time again. Y’all go over to 2nd Cup of Coffee for this weeks addition of Random Dozen.   So let’s get at it! 1. Do you use the labels various charities send you as “free gifts?” Usually no, since the invention of online bill pay the amount of actual physical mail to leave my house is nearly non existent. 2. What is your favorite time of day (or night) for skywatching? Evening, I love watching the transformation of the colors as the sun sets. God does his best work as the sun goes down. 3. What is the most adventurous you've ever been with trying a new food? (Keep it G-rated please) I’m no Andrew Zimmern or Jeff Corwin but I will try something new that I have never tried before. I draw the line at really nasty things such as liver, or any kind of organs, no kidneys, hearts or hypothalamus glands for me. 4. Have you ever heard a rock sing? (Trust me, there's a reason for this one!) HAB 2:11 The stones of the wall will cry out,    and the ...