Out of Pocket – Sadness and Loss

If you are a friend of mine on Facebook then you are aware that we have experienced a loss in our family. My father-in-law passed away on Monday.

It has been a whirl of activity over the last two days and today will be no different.

It takes an hour and 15 minutes to get there which means it takes an hour and 15 to get back. We have made this trip three times since this past Saturday, and we will do it again today.

This gift in all of this is that we had just spent the entire afternoon with my in-laws on Saturday. My husband got to spend some vey good one on one time with his father all afternoon. God is so god y’all!

Long car trips aside, being a bit tired, only pails in comparison to the unfathomable concept of loosing a husband. My in-laws would have been married for 58 years next month.

The years of first begins.

I ask your prayers for all my husbands family members in the loss of their father. For all the grandchildren, my two included as we grieve his loss.

The funeral is this afternoon. It will be a full military funeral, as my father-in law was retired Army. He served in two tours in Vietnam. There will be a 21 gun salute and all the pomp and circumstance. I have never been to a military funeral.

I have been told is is a very moving and impressive experience.

Well that’s all for now. Next week I’ll be back to some semblance of normalcy, I hope!




larkswing said…
So sorry to hear of your loss! Yes, the year of firsts. But next Christmas will probably still be like a first since this is close and all are probably still a little stunned. Hope your trip was safe and those to come over the next few weeks will be too.
Susan said…
Dear Robin....Please accept my condolences on your father-in-law's death. Saying goodbye to loved ones is never easy. I just wrote a piece on my blog on Christmas memories of my mother so I can identify with your loss. Take care and I hope you and all your family rest in the arms of our Lord. Sincerely, Susan at writingstraightfromtheheart.blogspot.com
Kim said…
So sorry for your loss! Will be praying for your family.
Nikki (Sarah) said…
so sorry to hear of your loss and am praying. Also praying for safety while you drive. Sarah
Oh Robin....I'm so sorry to be terribly late in discovering your sad news. Please accept my heartfelt condolences and I am so comforted to know you are being guided through each step by God's own hand and wisdom. Prayers for you and love to you....all.


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