Savannah - Part One - Bumper to Bumper Traffic & an Emu
Well after nine days of being on the go in one form or another I am finally home.
I have much to share about the happening of my spring break and in an effort to be systematic as well as refraining from long windiness I have decided to launch my first ever ....
Blog Mini Series.
Please, please...... try to contain you excitement!
Now that you have had a few seconds to let the awsomeness of this groundbreaking blog event wash over you I move on to.....
The Great Escape....
Savannah, Spring Break 2009 - Part One
Our adventure begins on Saturday, April 4th.
We along with all the other parents of middle school and high school children joyfully drop our beloved off-spring off for the annual UMYF Spring Break Retreat. It is a much anticipated event in the lives of all the youth and this will be my DD second trip with this group. The chaos is organized and the noise vibrates as they all patiently wait to board the bus.
This is a picture of my DD (far right) and her BFF's as they gear up for Spring Break fun!!!!!

Having experienced this rite of passage before as well a sending off my DS for many many years the allure of hanging around to see the buses pull from the parking lot has lost it's poignancy, not to mention that we had our bags pack and we were anxious to be on the road for a much needed bit of husband and wife time.
We snapped a few pictures gave a quick kiss and a hug and then we high tailed it out of there like we were on fire.
Can you tell that we were eager to take advantage of the opportunity to be free of the parental responsibilities for a few days.
Our exuberance was short lives as we found ourselves in bumper to bumper traffic for over an hour and a half.
Being the first travel day of the spring break holiday the Georgia Department of Transportation thought that it was also an appropriate day to close down all but two lanes heading out of town to replace a few signs along the highway.
Another example of our tax dollars being put to good use.
Don'tcha just wanna be here!

Finally we cleared all the in town traffic and we it the open road..........for about 15 minutes.
Yes, more bumper to bumper traffic, by this time my DH was about to blow a gasket but with a bit of effort and many many different topics of conversation we managed to persevere the inching along.

Needless to say we spent from 9:00 AM until about 12:30 PM just trying to get out of town!
In desperation we inched off the expressway to find a bathroom, along with about 500 of our fellow travelers. By this point people were just throwing caution to the wind and using the shoulder of the road as an additional lane. We exit off and pull into the nearest gas station, the hubby goes in and promptly returns announcing that if I "really have to go", which I did, then unfortunately this was not an option as the line for the ladies room was 30 plus deep.
A quick scan of the surroundings, and we were saved.
My beloved Kohl's, I knew they would have a bathroom. We pulled into the parking lot and quickly took care of our necessary functions and then since we weren't going anywhere and I had a 30% off coupon in my purse we took the opportunity to do a bit of shopping.
The hubby got a couple pairs of shorts and I was able to return a bathing suit that I had bought for the DD.
Boring boring boring yes I know.
However a kindly sales lady took pity on us as we were ringing up our purchases and gave us directions to bypass the rest of the traffic.
Praise Jesus for the kindness of strangers.
Finally free of the constrains of the bumper to bumper madness we found out tummies grumbling.
Gotta love a spicy chicken sandwich and fries and of course a frosty for the road.
I am partial to the new vanilla flavor.

On our thirds pit stop we found a small roadside gas station. Along with a bathroom break we got to visit with a donkey...

an emu

There were some cows, chicken and goats as well, but you had to pay to get inside the enclosure so I opted to enjoy the livestock from afar with the zoom lens of my camera.
At last we arrive at our destination.
The Hilton DeSoto in Savannah, GA. There are some benefits to business travel. The hubs had enough hotel points to get us the entire weekend for free and they even comped us the breakfast buffet for our entire stay as well.

The Lobby. WOW!
I have much to share about the happening of my spring break and in an effort to be systematic as well as refraining from long windiness I have decided to launch my first ever ....
Blog Mini Series.
Please, please...... try to contain you excitement!
Now that you have had a few seconds to let the awsomeness of this groundbreaking blog event wash over you I move on to.....
The Great Escape....
Savannah, Spring Break 2009 - Part One
Our adventure begins on Saturday, April 4th.
We along with all the other parents of middle school and high school children joyfully drop our beloved off-spring off for the annual UMYF Spring Break Retreat. It is a much anticipated event in the lives of all the youth and this will be my DD second trip with this group. The chaos is organized and the noise vibrates as they all patiently wait to board the bus.
This is a picture of my DD (far right) and her BFF's as they gear up for Spring Break fun!!!!!

Having experienced this rite of passage before as well a sending off my DS for many many years the allure of hanging around to see the buses pull from the parking lot has lost it's poignancy, not to mention that we had our bags pack and we were anxious to be on the road for a much needed bit of husband and wife time.
We snapped a few pictures gave a quick kiss and a hug and then we high tailed it out of there like we were on fire.
Can you tell that we were eager to take advantage of the opportunity to be free of the parental responsibilities for a few days.
Our exuberance was short lives as we found ourselves in bumper to bumper traffic for over an hour and a half.
Being the first travel day of the spring break holiday the Georgia Department of Transportation thought that it was also an appropriate day to close down all but two lanes heading out of town to replace a few signs along the highway.
Another example of our tax dollars being put to good use.
Don'tcha just wanna be here!

Finally we cleared all the in town traffic and we it the open road..........for about 15 minutes.
Yes, more bumper to bumper traffic, by this time my DH was about to blow a gasket but with a bit of effort and many many different topics of conversation we managed to persevere the inching along.

Needless to say we spent from 9:00 AM until about 12:30 PM just trying to get out of town!
In desperation we inched off the expressway to find a bathroom, along with about 500 of our fellow travelers. By this point people were just throwing caution to the wind and using the shoulder of the road as an additional lane. We exit off and pull into the nearest gas station, the hubby goes in and promptly returns announcing that if I "really have to go", which I did, then unfortunately this was not an option as the line for the ladies room was 30 plus deep.
A quick scan of the surroundings, and we were saved.
My beloved Kohl's, I knew they would have a bathroom. We pulled into the parking lot and quickly took care of our necessary functions and then since we weren't going anywhere and I had a 30% off coupon in my purse we took the opportunity to do a bit of shopping.
The hubby got a couple pairs of shorts and I was able to return a bathing suit that I had bought for the DD.
Boring boring boring yes I know.
However a kindly sales lady took pity on us as we were ringing up our purchases and gave us directions to bypass the rest of the traffic.
Praise Jesus for the kindness of strangers.
Finally free of the constrains of the bumper to bumper madness we found out tummies grumbling.
Gotta love a spicy chicken sandwich and fries and of course a frosty for the road.
I am partial to the new vanilla flavor.

On our thirds pit stop we found a small roadside gas station. Along with a bathroom break we got to visit with a donkey...

an emu

There were some cows, chicken and goats as well, but you had to pay to get inside the enclosure so I opted to enjoy the livestock from afar with the zoom lens of my camera.
At last we arrive at our destination.
The Hilton DeSoto in Savannah, GA. There are some benefits to business travel. The hubs had enough hotel points to get us the entire weekend for free and they even comped us the breakfast buffet for our entire stay as well.

The Lobby. WOW!
This is our room...
One of my favorite things about hotel stays are the tiny little shampoos and soaps.
Crabtree and Evelyn, very special given the fact that I'm a generic store brand kinda girl.
This was the view from our window. In the distance was the bridge (I think to Hilton Head).
The Hilton DeSoto was right in the heart of Savannah. We were within walking distance from just about everything we wanted to see.
This is a small patio area where you can sit and drink you coffee or just relax.
A spitting lion (I guess) rather un-lion-like I thought, but attractive all the same and the sound of the water was soothing as you relaxed on the patio.
We spent a few minutes unpacking and then we took a short stroll outside. One block over from the hotel we found a small pub.
We popped in for a light supper. We enjoyed a wonderfully rich and savory bowl of French Onion soup and a roast beef sandwich. It really hit the spot after a long ride in the car.
Well that is it for our first day.
I crawled into my fresh clean white sheets on my king size bed with a down comforter and feather pillows, I know some enjoy a good feather pillow, but I have decided that as pillows go I prefer my pillows on my bed at home, even with this small pillow problem I fell blissfully asleep.
Tomorrow we look forward to exploring all that Savannah has to offer.
Keep your eyes peeled....coming to your blogroll soon....Savannah .... part two