Five things for the afternoon, in no particular order

  1. I think I am suffering from post traumatic stress disorder, the shock of seeing myself and hearing myself was a bit too much reality for me.
  2. The template I chose for my blog was annoying and hard to read so I have changed it. Thoughts about the new template are welcome??? Easy or hard to read?????
  3. I am resisting the urge to delete the video post, but in an effort to be real I will let it remain for all the world to see.
  4. It was fun to see all the different video post, although I have to confess that I did not get to look at all of them, there were so many. Thank you to all who have stopped by for the sweet hellos and thoughtful comments.
  5. I can’t wait for November 1st to roll around so my big old gray haired head will be tucked away in the archives, then maybe the PTSD symptoms will level off and I won’t feel like such an idiot!


PJ said…
I really like the look of your blog. It is not difficult to read -- and I usually don't like blogs with white letters and dark background. Black with white especially is difficult for my eyes. The purple, though dark, is muted enough. And there's just enough "busyness" around the edges to create interest. For what my opinion is worth!!

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