Pray for "Great Things"
From “Streams in the Desert” on June 5, 2008
As I opened my small devotional book this morning and read the few short paragraphs some of the words kinda flew off the page and whacked me in the face.
ISA 7:10 Again the LORD spoke to Ahaz, 11 "Ask the LORD your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights."
taken directly from today's devotion
“We must continue to pray and “wait for the Lord” (Isa 8:17), until we hear the sound of his mighty rain. There is no reason why we should not ask for great things. Without a doubt we will receive them if we ask in faith, having the courage to wait with patient perseverance for Him and meanwhile doing those things that are within our power to do.”
I have to say that each morning as I lift my son up in prayer I don’t think I am necessarily praying for great things to happen.
Right now I am mainly focusing on prayer for his physical safety, and no grandchildren to spring forth from his romping’s. I also pray for God to show up in his life and get his attention, which when it happens will be a great thing.
But when I read these few sentences I had a bit of a revelation. It was the “meanwhile doing those things that are within our power to do.” This for me gives me the renewed energy to continue each day and persist with lifting up this situation everyday.
I take comfort in the knowledge that many great men all had there time wandering. I just finished a book by Ruth Bell Graham, she diligently prayed for her son Franklin who was a prodigal and this gives me great comfort.
So in addition to praying for God to have that perfect balance of protection, this is so hard because I do not want to hinder God in the process that He will use to bring my son back, but as his mother I don’t want anything bad to happen to him. It is like trying to balance my prayers on the edge of a razor. But now I am also going to be praying that the "Great Thing" that my son can accomplish be revealed to me and to him and begin to pray about that as well.
To completely change the subject a bit.
I have to share with you all a brief update from the mission field. It has been so sweet because most days I will get a very brief phone call from my daughter. She doesn’t have much to say, other that it is really hot and that things are going will.
She called me this morning as they were on their way to the work site. They are constructing desks for the school house. They are now in the process of painting them. My DD made comment that the primer they had used the day before did not come off of her arm. Oh the hazards of working in the mission field. I am thankful that this major catastrophe, in the eyes of a thirteen year old, which I am sure has put a huge damper of her sense of style to have primer stains all over her hand and arms.
In any event I look forward to hearing her voice each day and I find it very sweet that she thinks enough to want to give me a call.
Even at .95 cents a minute it is worth it.
It is good to be missed.
God is good!
As I opened my small devotional book this morning and read the few short paragraphs some of the words kinda flew off the page and whacked me in the face.
ISA 7:10 Again the LORD spoke to Ahaz, 11 "Ask the LORD your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights."
taken directly from today's devotion
“We must continue to pray and “wait for the Lord” (Isa 8:17), until we hear the sound of his mighty rain. There is no reason why we should not ask for great things. Without a doubt we will receive them if we ask in faith, having the courage to wait with patient perseverance for Him and meanwhile doing those things that are within our power to do.”
I have to say that each morning as I lift my son up in prayer I don’t think I am necessarily praying for great things to happen.
Right now I am mainly focusing on prayer for his physical safety, and no grandchildren to spring forth from his romping’s. I also pray for God to show up in his life and get his attention, which when it happens will be a great thing.
But when I read these few sentences I had a bit of a revelation. It was the “meanwhile doing those things that are within our power to do.” This for me gives me the renewed energy to continue each day and persist with lifting up this situation everyday.
I take comfort in the knowledge that many great men all had there time wandering. I just finished a book by Ruth Bell Graham, she diligently prayed for her son Franklin who was a prodigal and this gives me great comfort.
So in addition to praying for God to have that perfect balance of protection, this is so hard because I do not want to hinder God in the process that He will use to bring my son back, but as his mother I don’t want anything bad to happen to him. It is like trying to balance my prayers on the edge of a razor. But now I am also going to be praying that the "Great Thing" that my son can accomplish be revealed to me and to him and begin to pray about that as well.
To completely change the subject a bit.
I have to share with you all a brief update from the mission field. It has been so sweet because most days I will get a very brief phone call from my daughter. She doesn’t have much to say, other that it is really hot and that things are going will.
She called me this morning as they were on their way to the work site. They are constructing desks for the school house. They are now in the process of painting them. My DD made comment that the primer they had used the day before did not come off of her arm. Oh the hazards of working in the mission field. I am thankful that this major catastrophe, in the eyes of a thirteen year old, which I am sure has put a huge damper of her sense of style to have primer stains all over her hand and arms.
In any event I look forward to hearing her voice each day and I find it very sweet that she thinks enough to want to give me a call.
Even at .95 cents a minute it is worth it.
It is good to be missed.
God is good!
Calaveras Co CA
I think possibly the hardest thing in the world to do is wait.
Blessings and peace,
Your sister in Christ
I really believe it was no coincidence TWO people spoke on this exact devo. The other is Tracy at my cup runneth over.
I just had been "surfing" and ran across this prayer and felt I needed to share it with you.
Note: I had not already been to your site and read what Sweetpea wrote...
Jesus bumps...Jesus bumps...
Lord, give us the courage to ask for great things. Things far greater than that which we can ask or imagine. Things you long to give to us. May our faith in your power be one of complete and confident assurance, like that of Elijah and so many other heroes of our faith. May patient perseverance reside within us as we await the workings of Your Will. In the meantime, may we continue on, humbly doing the work which You presently have set before us. May we not become so focused on the great things that we miss the blessings that will come in moments along the way. Open our eyes and hearts to each and every one. We love and fully trust in Your plan for our lives. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.
(guess whose site this is from? "My Cup Runneth Over" that Sweetpea mentioned.)
blessings in the moments, the smaller things. Trust and know God's plan is better than our wants and expectations.
when are you gonna start bloggin?
Thanks for dropping's very nice to "meet" you. So glad this shared devotional caused our paths to cross! Like your commenter wrote below..."Jesus bumps!"
I really enjoyed my jaunt through your blog and look forward to reading more and getting to know you better.
I understand your challenge about your son. It definitely is a difficult balance and one that a number of my friends are currently walking.
How awesome about the missions trip! Long after your daughter's primer stains have faded, the impact and memories of this trip will remain. What a blessing.
Happy you had such a nice week to yourself...sounds as it was a great time! (Your comment about egg salad made me laugh out loud.) = )