Exciting News from the Dacula Ornithology Research Center

After waffling between frustration, puzzlement and down right disappointment the D.O.R.C. is proud to announce the first sitting of an open (and might I say rather loud and impatient) awaiting baby mouth poking out of the birdhouse located at the institutes main base of operations (A.K.A. my backyard).

The researchers (A.K.A. as myself and my daughter) will endeavor to obtain the scientific footage in order to document this auspicious occasion A.S.A.P.

The D.O.R.C. will continue to strive to maintain the highest standards of scientific research (which means that I will be pulling the dark blue sheet back out of my linen closet) so that it can provide it’s readers with the most current and up to date information possible.


As soon (or if) I can get a picture of the sweet little things I will post it. Mamma Bluebird is not to cooperative and a bit camera shy. I was so excited to see the tiny head poking out of the house I had to dash off a post.


Paula V said…
I had wondered what happened to the D.O.R.C and it's bird watching mission.

Skoots1moM said…
Right after my notes on malapropisms...i have this:

"Anytime we take the word of god away from the heart of god we take it out of context.
God will not say anything to you that does not come out of the heart of God.
God wants to speak with you from his word it’s a wonder."

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