Instant Pay-Off

It is not often that you receive an instant pay off for something you do. I did not have to wait 12 weeks for my rebate to show up in the mail. My reward came in just a few short hours. You see, I received a complement today, it was a very nice complement from someone who I had just recently met. I taught my Sunday school lesson yesterday morning and this person came up to me later that day and shared with me how much he appreciated my lesson. It was amazing the impact it had on me. I do not know this person very well as they have just recently began to visit with us in our class, however his words of encouragement and praise had an impact on me. This person did not have to tell me what he did, however he stepped up and shared with me what was on his mind. Afterwards I felt very encouraged, I felt that my efforts had not been in vain and I felt energized as well as feeling a sense of accomplishment that I had actually connected with someone about something important. It was just another reminder that God’s words never return empty as well as how daily we can find confirmation, comfort, wise teaching or anything else we may be looking for any and all situation

ISA 55:11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

I guess my point in all of this is very simple. The next time you are impacted even in a small way or a large way by someone let them know. You never know how your words of appreciation, praise or comfort will impact the other person. It may be just the thing they need to hear at just the right moment.


Fiddle*sticks said…
God's word never returns void! Praise Him!

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