Nothing an evening cocktail can't fix...
I am trying to come up with a basic set of question to facilitate a daily post. So maybe the first question should be: 1. What was/is the highlight of your day or week? This week I went to a funeral of one of the saints of our church. A sweet, sweet woman who was dearly love by so many. As I sat and listened to the testimony of the woman's life I felt truly blessed that I had the privilege of knowing her. It was a blessing to know that she is no longer suffering. The next question should be; 2. What should I or could I have done differently today or this week? This falls under the category of a good thing and bad ting. The new season of Lost in Space comes out this week. I LOVED that show when I was growing up!!! Sadly, I have totally forgot what happen last season so am having to rewatch several of the previous episodes so I can catch up. This happens quite frequently. Also, Diana Gabaldon has just published the nex...