
Showing posts from July, 2012

Project 365 ~ Week 30: It was a productive week!

Some weeks ya got it and some weeks ya don’t! This week I had an unexpected boost of energy and several opportunities to put my creative juices to use.  Monday, July 23 Monday I canned a few tomatoes. I really did not have that many, however no one else in my family likes fresh tomatoes….I have wondered for a long time what is wrong with them! But I continue to love them any way regardless of this HUGE flaw in the taste buds! After struggling for several years trying to grow successful tomatoes for what ever reason this year I actually had some limited success. I only had enough tomatoes for four small jars but I have been wanting to try canning tomatoes for a long time and just never had enough to give it a go. It was a bit labor intensive for such a small amount but you work with what ya got sometimes! Tuesday, July 24 Are good friends the best or what! Skoots1mom scored these FREE chairs the other day in her daily thrifting rounds. YES I said FREE! They were being tossed ...

Project 365 ~ Week 29: Campmeeting!

It was campmeeting this week! Hands down my favorite week of the year. We have a week of fellowship, worship and it is by far the best week of the year for me! I may do a post later in the week about this years experience, but for now here are my pictures. I actually have more than one every day! Woot Woot! Sunday, July 15 My son and his family came out almost every night. It was so nice to see my granddaughter enjoy all the joys of campmeeting just like mine did when they were little. I can share that I had many moments of DĂ©jĂ  vu as I watched her run around, play in the saw dust and generally have a wonderful time!     Monday, July 16 Muffinhead gave a demonstration on “How To Eat A Cupcake….” As we were enjoying the evening worship service the sky was having a worship service of it’s own. It was shinning down on us and it was absolutely beautiful!    Tuesday, July 17 Muffinhead spent the night with me in my cabin on Monday night. It was another mi...

Project 365 ~ Week 28: YIKES only three this week!

I guess it was just not a picture worthy week y’all! Tuesday, July 10 I had a pound of Italian sausage in the freezer and I was going to make some spaghetti sauce, but then I decided that it just was not a spaghetti kind night! Frittata with Italian sausage, new potato, green peppers, onion and diced fresh tomato with a sprinkle of cheese! It was really good Thursday, July 12 I have some new color in the back yard. The crocosmia is blooming! I am surprised. Most bulbs do not bloom the first year you plant them, but this one did! Saturday, July 14 Campmeeting starts tomorrow! I was taking a load of our stuff out there and found a wonderful surprise. I had heard about it a few days earlier but I had not seen it until yesterday! Finally after almost ten years the cabin we stay in has a front porch! I am so happy I can hardly stand it y’all! It was an Eagle Project. I am contemplating a special batch of cookies or something top thank they young man! Well that was my week y’all,...

Just riding the wave…

Yesterday was one of those days. If I picked it up I dropped it. If I walked into a room I forgot what I went into the room for. I couldn't focus on anything for more than a few moments. I had a headache all day. My child said “I heard you the first time!” and it was a supreme battle of self control not to walk over to her and rip her sweet little head right off her neck! All day long there was a rolling internal dialog of negative, angry, irrational and down right nasty thoughts rolling upon the shores of my life. Thankfully the girlchild has taken to sequestering herself behind her bedroom door for most of the day. The only thing that draws her out these days is hunger, vanity (one can not neglect ones hair or makeup) and the Taylor Lautner movie she wanted to see that was on the DVR. At the end of the day, the girlchild was still in her room and the Hubs had retired for the night I found myself alone in my quiet house. I administered a cocktail and breathed in the quiet...

Project 365 ~ Week 27

Sunday, July 1 Sunday evening after dinner we were enjoying an DVD when we were interrupted by what we thought was the roof coming down upon our heads. Hail, big hail to be exact! The Hubs was concerned because it was so big it was bouncing up off the ground and smashing into the windows with such force we thought one might shatter. Thankfully no windows were broken and the sudden storm only last about 15 to 20 minutes! Monday, July 2 Well I hate to be a Debbie Downer but Cannoli’s are just not my thing! I was not impressed with the one I had in New York . That left me wondering what all the fuss was about! I did my usually Food Network search and found a few recipes. I thought I would give it a try to see if maybe I could improve upon my first experience. First I decided to forgo the lengthy process of making the cookie, copious steps were involved as well as needing some specialized cannoli forms which I do not have, not to mention deep fat frying so I opted on purchasing t...