6 Random Things about Me

My Hands His Glory tagged" me with a new meme (thoughts transmitted from one blogger to a group) and each member of the group answers the same questions/ideas and continues the process.

Here are the tag rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.

2. Post the rules on your blog.

3. Write six random things about yourself.

4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.

5. Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

#1 Random Thing:
I love movies. I will watch a great movie over and over. I will watch a not so great movie over and over. I will watch any movie over and over.

#2 Random Thing:
I enjoy experimenting with recipes. I love creating new dishes and changes things up and trying new things.

#3 Random Thing:
I have the ability to kill any house plant, with the exception of a peace lily that I got from my grandmothers funeral, which is still alive and a small Christmas cactus which was also a gift from a friend. I think if I buy the plant it is an automatic death sentence, but if the plant is a gift then it stands a chance of survival.

#4 Random Thing:
I would live happily ever after if I never had to wear make up or shave my legs ever again. I hate messing with my hair and I hate even more than that trying to figure our what accessories to wear with an outfit. I think it was Einstein had seven outfits that were al the same so he would have clean cloths each day but not have to extend any thought or energy into thinking about what he would wear. I am so down with that. If I was a braver person I would do the very same thing.

#5 Random Thing:
I do not like olives, capers, dill pickles or seafood. I will eat shrimp or fish occasionally, but it is far from my favorite.

#6 Random Thing:
I attended the Governors Honors program in 1977 when I was in High School in Fine Arts. It was one of my best High School memories. It gave me the opportunity to get away from a difficult family life and enjoy being a care free teenager without the stigma of where we lived and the situation we lived in. I was simply just a high school artist and got to play and paint and sculpt and laugh and make friends. It was a wonderful opportunity that was a very bright spot in a very difficult home life.

I am now going to tag the only three folks left that have not been tagged on my blogroll!

Walking Faithfully

His Ways are Not Our Ways

God Lover


Skoots1moM said…
I knew you had a little Einstein in you...
Cyndy said…
I got your tag Robin and I'm working myself up to the challenge. Right now I'm sitting about 5 feet away from my computer screen with my foot propped up so writing a full blog entry is a bit challenging...I did do one that will explain why I'm sitting five feet away from my computer screen. Did I mention I'm asking Santa for a laptop this year?...anyway, I've got a little time on my hands so I'll get to the meme soon!

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