Flashback Friday ~ Friendship

We've talked about families, so it seems only natural that we should talk about the friends we had when we were growing up! Who was your first friend? One of the first friends I can remember was a girl named Donna. She and her mom and brother lived in the apartment below us. They were in a very similar situation to ours. Donna and I were the same age and we both had younger siblings. We were both growing up in homes with no fathers present. Our rooms were directly under each other and in the summer time we would leave our windows open, we had an elaborate system of passing notes and other thing back and forth. We had constructed a small basket made out of popsicle sticks and tied a string to the handle. We would lowered this basket back and forth between the windows. We would lay in our beds and carry one long dreamy handwritten conversation long after the lights were turned off over what our wedding would be like. What our apartments would one day look like. Wh...