
Showing posts from 2024

I had a few more than 400 words to say...

10-26-2024 - Blog Post  I was trying to post a picture to my Instagram page today and I found out very quickly that there is a significant limit to the number of words one can post, about 400 words or 2,200 characters. I tend to be a bit on the verbose sides so 400 words today wasn’t going to cut it.  I tried to edit my post down, but found the process very unsatisfactory. Then I re-remembered that I did in fact have an ancient blog and that I still had access to it. Now the other reality is that blogging has probably gone the way of the dodo bird....but since I have recently began to navigate things like Medicare and long term care insurance I figured that revisiting my blog kind of fit the definition for the day. I have also been thinking a lot about leaving something behind for my children and my grandchildren. I have kept a journal on and off since about 1972, so recording my thoughts, life experiences and general happenings is something that comes naturally to me. I fi

Removing the Friction

  Lengthy…but I do eventually have a point! I’ve been in a bit of an artistic slump/life transition stage for what seems like forever. If you have been following my Instagram/Facebook page for a while (all 200ish of you….LOL) then you know that my postings have been nonexistent over the last few months. Moving into retirement, trying to figure out what life looks like on the other side of 65, and wrapping my head around ALL the stuff that is way beyond my control yet daily impacts my life has really kind of tossed a big old monkey wrench into my life. I would love to say that I’ve got it all figured out, but since lying is a sin…and it is soooooooo clear that I no longer have a clue what is going on in the world anymore, I am embracing the concept of just breathing through the cray cray. I am gradually trying to get over myself and just pick up a pencil (or pastel, or paintbrush) and just do something…anything, just do it!!!! I have taken a few positive steps to ease back into my creat