Wednesday Hodgepodge
Ok I’m trying here…another post in the black hole that is or was my blogging mojo…. 1. What are your plans for Easter? Our plans are very simple. We are going to church and then probably just returning home for lunch. Are you cooking a big lunch or dinner? Normally I do not cook on Sunday’s and Easter is no exception. However this year the Hub’s birthday falls on Easter Sunday, so I am throwing a small Easter/Birthday dinner. Dyeing eggs? Probably not, we did when the kids were little and Muffinhead has not been here in a few days so we have not had the opportunity to have any Easter fun. Attending a sun rise service? Our church does hold a sunrise service out at our campground but I for one will be snug in my bed at seven am. Eating too much chocolate? Does German Chocolate Cake count? That’s the Hubs cake of choice for his birthday. I do still have to assemble Muffinhead Easter basket so there might be a few chocolate eggs involved…….. ...