
Showing posts from July, 2008

The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same

With each day that pass there is change, however there are things in life that do not change, traditions that continue on though out the years that hold us together and give us the roots that we cling to. For 176 years people have gathered for Campmeeting. It happens every year on the third week of July. I have been participating in this tradition for the past 14 years. For me it is simply one of the most amazing opportunities for worship, fellowship and true communion with God that I have ever experienced. It draws me back year after year. If you have never experienced a Campmeeting then in my opinion you are truly missing one of the most unique worship experiences available. In earlier times entire families would pack up all their belongings and trek miles and miles to participate in Campmeeting. It was the middle of the growing season and they did not have to be tending there fields, they would load their wagons with food, blocks of ice, butter churns, wash tubs with their cows tied...

6 Random Things about Me

My Hands His Glory tagged" me with a new meme (thoughts transmitted from one blogger to a group) and each member of the group answers the same questions/ideas and continues the process. Here are the tag rules: 1. Link to the person who tagged you. 2. Post the rules on your blog. 3. Write six random things about yourself. 4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them. 5. Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. 6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up. #1 Random Thing: I love movies. I will watch a great movie over and over. I will watch a not so great movie over and over. I will watch any movie over and over. #2 Random Thing: I enjoy experimenting with recipes. I love creating new dishes and changes things up and trying new things. #3 Random Thing: I have the ability to kill any house plant, with the exception of a peace lily that I got from my grandmothers funeral, which is still alive and a small Christmas cactus which was...

Jehovah-Jireh ~ The Lord will Provide

I have decided that one of the reason that God has blessed me with this need to put words down on paper is to insure that there is an accurate record (at least where my life is concerned) of how faithful and great God is. When God shows up in mighty ways and even in small ways I feel Him prompting me to record the events so that they will be remembered by me and those who will read them. I can not help but draw some similarities in my own life to that of Luke’s, when things happen in my life that are very clearly the hand of God it is as if I must stop right then and get them written down. Luke possibly felt that way as he began his work to record all that Christ had done. LK 1:1 Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, 2 just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. 3 Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to...

Is there really such a thing as a necessary evil?

Having further restrained myself from actually setting my laptop on fire, my technical issues have been problematic. I am ceasing the moment to post while the planet are aligned properly and the gremlins hiding under my living room sofa are sleeping and all is well with my computer (for the millisecond). I was considering the term necessary evil the other day and I can find no better example than our reliance on technology. While our computer, cell phones, PDA’s, pocket PC’s and Blackberries all are wonderful tools, they also have the ability to suck the very life out of your day if they are not working properly. While being able to access the internet brings wonderful blog’s and new insight into how God is working it also is the doorway to the vilest filth imaginable. It’s about balance and harmony. It is about keeping things in perspective. When I feel like the world is out to get me simple because my laptop freezes at an inopportune moment then quite possible I have lost that perspe...

where two or three come together in my name

Over the past three years I have gone to levels of discouragement that I did not think I could over come. You see I took over the coordination of the prayer ministry of our church some three years ago. In that time I have done some serious questioning as to why this ministry has at times seemed to flounder. My dreams of a packed sanctuary for our twice monthly prayer meeting seemed to fall sadly short of my grand expectations. I would lament over the sad state of these meetings to my closest friends and weep bitter tears as each month I would show up with the worst kind of attitude knowing that no one would be there. However as I began to think and pray about this situation one of the things I began to notice is that no matter how many people show up for these meeting the power of God never ceases to be faithful. The word tells us that: MT 18:19 "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20 For w...

Thank you for all your prayers.

Just to give you all a brief update, I have finally (I think) got my internet issues resolved. I am not so sure about my hardware issues. I am “holding my mouth right” and trying to maintain the proper system settings as well as making sure all my software updates, and 25 letter registration codes, and uninstall and reinstalls and upgrades and …….. Well you get the picture are in order. Needless to say I have restrained myself and have not taken a hammer to the laptop as of yet, and God has in fact kept a diligent hold of me and has thus far prevented me from placing my computer in the driveway and running over it with my mini van. In a simpler world I have noticed that my ball point pen has never once given me an error message, frozen up in mid function, asked me to enter a 72 letter security code, beeped, flashed or in any way shape or form told me that an earlier version is in conflict with a previous installed version and must me uninstalled , updated, restarted, registered on l...

Pray for my Laptop

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we lived in a world where things just worked properly all the time. I am ceasing the moment to post a brief appeal for prayer as I am experiencing some fairly regular and annoying technical difficulties with my laptop. It may at any moment decide to go live with Jesus in computer heaven. I am trying to remain calm, however I am also bracing for the worst and currently praying for system restoration.

A Rainbow and Deep Furrows

Several days ago I was sitting in my living room and the world outside was transformed. It literally was transformed by these amazing hues of gold and orange. It was nearly time for the sun to set, yet there was a bright glow washing in my windows. If you have ever experienced the sudden shift in how the sky looks right before a nasty line of thunderstorms rolls though the south then you will understand. The sky takes on a hint of ominous color to it, almost like a small visual glimpse into what is about to happen. The smell in the air is even a bit different. Well given the fact that over the last several days we had been experiencing some very volatile weather, the night before as I lay in my bed waiting for my bedroom window to simply be blown of there casings, I was a bit concerned as I stood in my living room and watched the world outside shift into this amazing and strange color. I stepped outside and the humidity was thick and the golden color was washing over everything. There ...